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[英]MS-Chart Zooming of x-axis with scroll bar in c#

I have added the scroll bar to the x-axis of my mschart control using this link Adding a scroll bar to MS Chart control C# and it worked as expected. 我使用此链接将滚动条添加到了 mschart控件的x轴上。 将滚动条添加到MS Chart控件C# ,它按预期工作。 But now my requirement is, I need zooming for both the axis. 但是现在我的要求是,我需要同时缩放两个轴。 But since I removed Zoom reset button for x-axis, I have used the following to reset it by forcing. 但是,由于我删除了x轴的“缩放重置”按钮,因此已使用以下命令通过强制对其进行重置。

private void chart1_AxisScrollBarClicked(object sender, ScrollBarEventArgs e)
    // Handle zoom reset button
    if(e.ButtonType == ScrollBarButtonType.ZoomReset)        
        // Event is handled, no more processing required
        e.IsHandled = true;

        // Reset zoom on X and Y axis

But it is not working properly. 但是它不能正常工作。 Please help me in fixing this in c#.. 请帮助我在C#中修复此问题。

Try using ZoomReset(0) . 尝试使用ZoomReset(0)

private void zeroZoom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

The first thing coming in mind, is that your problem is related to multiple zooming. 首先想到的是,您的问题与多重缩放有关。

As you had noticed, by default the zoom-reset button (exactly like the ZoomReset method) doesn't reset the zoom completely, but restore the previous view-status, ie if you have zoomed more than one time, it returns just to the previous zoomed view. 如您所知,默认情况下,缩放重置按钮(与ZoomReset方法完全一样)不会完全重置缩放,而是会还原以前的视图状态,即,如果缩放超过一次,它将仅返回到以前的缩放视图。

To completely reset the zoom, you can use this code: 要完全重置缩放,可以使用以下代码:

while (chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.IsZoomed)

while (chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.IsZoomed)

Conversely, if you like the default zoom-reset behaviour, you should have two buttons for the two axis because it's possible to have different number of view-statex for the different axis. 相反,如果您喜欢默认的缩放重置行为,则对于两个轴应该有两个按钮,因为对于不同的轴可能有不同数量的view-statex。

Another possibility, is that you are zooming a secondary axis, like AxisX2 or AxisY2 (not sure, but I think that is depending on the chart type), so you should reset those (or, to be safe, just reset all axis...). 另一种可能性是,您正在缩放辅助轴,例如AxisX2AxisY2 (不确定,但是我认为这取决于图表类型),因此您应该重置这些轴(或者,为了安全起见,只需重置所有轴。) )。

I tried with the below code today and it seems like working fine. 我今天尝试使用下面的代码,看起来工作正常。 Here the for loop handles the X axis with scroll and the next if block handles the ordinary X-axis. 这里的for循环使用滚动处理X轴,下一个if块处理普通的X轴。 Could you please have a glance at it and let me know your views about it? 您能看一眼,让我知道您对此的看法吗?

private void chart1_AxisScrollBarClicked(object sender, ScrollBarEventArgs e)
  Boolean blnIsXaxisReset = false;
    // Handle zoom reset button
    if(e.ButtonType == ScrollBarButtonType.ZoomReset)        
      // Event is handled, no more processing required
      e.IsHandled = true;

      // Reset zoom on Y axis
      while (chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.IsZoomed)

      //Handles Zoom reset on X axis with scroll bar
      foreach (Series series in chart1.Series)
        if (series.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary)
          chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(-10, 10);
          blnIsXaxisReset = true;

      //Handles Zoom reset on ordinary X axis
      if (blnIsXaxisReset == false)
        while (chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.IsZoomed)
  catch (Exception ex)
    BuildException buildException = new BuildException();
    buildException.SystemException = ex;
    buildException.CustomMessage = "Error in zooming the Chart";

Thanks for your effort!! 谢谢你的努力!!

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