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[英]Javascript: Most effecient way to define variable to a function call, or if null to a variable?

Using ternary operator requires two calls to the function. 使用三元运算符需要两次调用该函数。

var colour = (tryAdventurousColour() != null) ? tryAdventurousColour() : 'black';

Possible to do it in 1 line? 可以在1行中完成吗?

EDIT: Fixed syntax EDIT: Like this but better 编辑:固定语法编辑:像这样,但更好

var colour = ( (colour = tryAdventurousColour() ) != null ) ? var color =((colour = tryAdventurousColour())!= null)? colour : 'black'; 颜色:'黑色';

Use JavaScript's logical or operator: 使用JavaScript的逻辑或运算符:

var colour = tryAdventurousColour() || 'black';

Your function tryAdventurousColour() will be executed once. 您的函数tryAdventurousColour()将执行一次。 If it returns a "truthy" value then that colour variable will be assigned to that value, otherwise colour will be 'black'. 如果返回“真实”值,则该colour变量将被分配给该值,否则colour将为“黑色”。 This fits your scenario perfectly since null is a "falsy" value. 因为null是一个“虚假”值,因此这完全适合您的情况。

In more general terms, the expression a || b 一般而言,表达式a || b a || b returns a if it can be converted to true (is "truthy"), otherwise it returns b . a || b返回a ,如果它可以被转换为true(是“truthy”),否则返回b Note that non-zero numbers, non-empty strings and objects will all be converted to true. 请注意,非零数字,非空字符串和对象都将转换为true。 null , undefined, 0, "" will all be converted to false. null ,undefined,0,“”将全部转换为false。 (I'm sure somebody will correct me if I've left something out.) (如果我遗漏了一些东西,我敢肯定有人会纠正我的。)

 var colour = (tryAdventurousColour()) ? tryAdventurousColour() : 'black';

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