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如何使用underscore.js reduce方法?

[英]How to use underscore.js reduce method?


Here are two javascript examples, quite similar to underscore. 这里有两个javascript示例,非常类似于下划线。

These find the mathematical mean and the standard deviation in an array of numbers. 它们在数组中找到数学均值和标准差。

You often see reduce working with thousands or millions of items in arrays related to populatons or statistics. 您经常会看到减少使用与populatons或统计数据相关的数组中的数千或数百万项。

Math.mean= function(array){
    return array.reduce(function(a, b){return a+b;})/array.length;
Math.stDeviation= function(array){
    var mean= Math.mean(array),
    dev= array.map(function(itm){return (itm-mean)*(itm-mean);});
    return Math.sqrt(dev.reduce(function(a, b){return a+b;})/array.length);

var A2= [6.2, 5, 4.5, 6, 6, 6.9, 6.4, 7.5];
alert ('mean: '+Math.mean(A2)+'; deviation: '+Math.stDeviation(A2))

/*  returned value: (String)
mean: 6.0625; deviation: 0.899913190257816

他们有它...... http://underscorejs.org/#reduce就在那里 - 在官方的Underscore.js网站上。

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