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[英].net unit test project with CSV datasource not reading in values correctly

I have a Unit Test project in .net 4.0. 我在.net 4.0中有一个单元测试项目。 One of the test methods reads in a CSV file. 测试方法之一是读取CSV文件。 Unfortunately, some of the values in the csv file are not being read. 不幸的是,csv文件中的某些值没有被读取。 I think what is happening is that .net is choosing what type a column is and ignoring any values that do not fit within that type. 我认为发生的情况是.net选择了列的类型,而忽略了该类型不适合的任何值。 For example, I may have a column where 90% of the values are numbers, but the other 10% are numbers with letters. 例如,我可能有一列,其中90%的值是数字,而其他10%是带字母的数字。 The numbers with letters are not coming through. 带字母的数字不通。 Any ideas on how to fix this? 有想法该怎么解决这个吗?

Here is the attribute on top of my test method 这是我的测试方法之上的属性

        [DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "|DataDirectory|\\test.csv", "test#csv",  DataAccessMethod.Sequential), DeploymentItem("MyProject.Tests\\TestData\\Test.csv"), TestMethod()]

Thanks! 谢谢! AFrieze 轻拂

You need to enclose the values in the mixed-type column in quotation marks. 您需要将值括在混合类型列中的引号中。 Eg 例如


Alternatively, you can create a file named Schema.ini in the same directory as the csv file to specify the type, as mentioned below. 或者,您可以在与csv文件相同的目录中创建一个名为Schema.ini的文件以指定类型,如下所述。 http://geekswithblogs.net/dotNETvinz/archive/2011/01/03/uploading-and-importing-csv-file-to-sql-server-in-asp.net.aspx http://geekswithblogs.net/dotNETvinz/archive/2011/01/03/uploading-and-importing-csv-file-to-sql-server-in-asp.net.aspx

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