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如何使用jQuery mobile添加可拖放事件侦听器?

[英]How can I add draggable and droppable event listeners with jQuery mobile?

I'm using jQuery mobile to build a mobile version of my site. 我正在使用jQuery mobile构建网站的移动版本。

A lot of the features rely on drag/drop. 许多功能都依赖于拖放。

Since jQuery mobile uses Ajax to load the pages, the event handlers for draggable and droppable aren't added to elements on any page except the first. 由于jQuery mobile使用Ajax加载页面,因此可拖动和可拖放的事件处理程序不会添加到除第一页之外的任何页面上的元素。

How can I work around this without using in-line JS 如何不使用内联JS来解决此问题


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