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Rackspace CloudFiles C#API:如何在根“文件夹”中列出文件,以及如何在“文件夹”中列出(子)文件夹?

[英]Rackspace CloudFiles C# API: How to list files on root 'folder', and how to list (sub)folders within a 'folder'?

(1) I can list the files on a folder this way: (1)我可以这样列出文件夹中的文件:

var parameters = new Dictionary<GetListParameters, string>();
parameters.Add(GetListParameters.Path, "folder1/"); // get items from this specific path 
var containerItemList = connection.GetContainerItemList(Settings.ContainerName, parameters);

However, this: 但是,这:

parameters.Add(GetListParameters.Path, "/");

or this: 或这个:

parameters.Add(GetListParameters.Path, "");

does not work. 不起作用。
How can I query the files on the root folder? 如何查询根文件夹中的文件?

(2) The code above returns the list of files in a folder. (2)上面的代码返回文件夹中的文件列表。
How can I get the list of folders within a folder? 如何获取文件夹中的文件夹列表? I there any parameter I can set to get this list? 我可以设置任何参数来获取此列表吗?
Note: I know that this is a 'flat' file system, similar to Amazon S3. 注意:我知道这是一个“平面”文件系统,类似于Amazon S3。 However, both (cloudfiles and S3) provides a way to work with 'folder'. 但是,这两个文件(cloudfiles和S3)都提供了使用“文件夹”的方法。 In S3 is easy. 在S3中很容易。 In cloudfiles (with the .net API) I could not find how to do this. 在cloudfiles中(使用.net API),我找不到如何执行此操作。

Any hint will be highly appreciated. 任何提示将不胜感激。

This has just been fixed with the latest push and closes issue #51 on github github上最新的推送和关闭问题#51已解决了这个问题

Link to downloadable package 链接到可下载的软件包

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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