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参数更改后SSRS 2008重新执行报告

[英]SSRS 2008 reexecute report when parameters changed

I have a report with many parameters, some dropdown lists some textual and some dates. 我有一个包含许多参数的报告,一些下拉列表列出了一些文本和一些日期。

After the report viewer is loaded, user choosed parameters and pressed the 'View Report' button the report is loaded perfect. 加载报告查看器后,用户选择参数并按下“查看报告”按钮即可完美加载报告。

Now user wish to change on of the many parameters enterd and watch the report.... after pressing the 'View Report' button, he get the same data in each page number wich been watched before until he press the refresh button..... (Caching of pages i guess). 现在,用户希望更改输入的许多参数并观看报告...。按“查看报告”按钮后,他会在观看之前的每个页码中获得相同的数据,直到按下刷新按钮... ..(我想缓存的页面)。

I changed the report Execution property to allways run the report from most recent data. 我将报表执行属性更改为始终根据最新数据运行报表。

my temporarly solution was to add a 'New Report' button above the report in order to refrash page (in that case no page is being cached), the problem is old parameters are also being flushed what make the report user put all again when he just wanted to change 1!!!!! 我的临时解决方案是在报告上方添加“新建报告”按钮以重新刷新页面(在这种情况下,不缓存任何页面),问题在于旧参数也被刷新了,这使报告用户在重新使用时重新放置所有内容只是想改变1!

any creative solution will be appreciated. 任何创造性的解决方案将不胜感激。

Noam. 诺姆



Found a solution apperently the application calling the window defind the window to cach the data. 相应地找到了一个解决方案,调用窗口的应用程序定义了窗口以缓存数据。 I had to change the server side configuration in order to solve this issue. 我必须更改服务器端配置才能解决此问题。

not a very halpfull post.... sorry 不是很halpfull的帖子。

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