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[英]JUnit assertions : make the assertion between floats

I need to compare two values : one a string and the other is float so I convert the string to float then try to call assertEquals(val1,val2) but this is not authorized , I guess that the assertEquals doesn't accept float as arguments. 我需要比较两个值:一个是字符串,另一个是浮点数,所以我将字符串转换为float然后尝试调用assertEquals(val1,val2)但是这没有被授权,我想assertEquals不接受float作为参数。

What is the solution for me in this case ? 在这种情况下,我的解决方案是什么?

You have to provide a delta to the assertion for Floats: 您必须为Floats的断言提供增量:

Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual, delta)

While delta is the maximum difference (delta) between expected and actual for which both numbers are still considered equal. 而delta是预期值与实际值之间的最大差值(delta),两个数值仍被视为相等。

Assert.assertEquals(0.0012f, 0.0014f, 0.0002); // true
Assert.assertEquals(0.0012f, 0.0014f, 0.0001); //false

A delta-value of 0.0f also works, so for old fashioned "==" compares (use with care!), you can write delta值为0.0f也有效,所以对于老式的“==”比较(小心使用!),你可以写

Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual, 0.0f);

instead of 代替

Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); // Deprecated
Assert.assertTrue(expected == actual); // Not JUnit

I like the way JUnit ensures that you really thought about the "delta" which should only be 0.0f in really trivial cases. 我喜欢JUnit确保你真正考虑过“delta”的方式,它在真正无关紧要的情况下应该只有0.0f。

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