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[英]having issues downloading xls file using procmail

Any ideas why my xls attachment files aren't being downloaded? 有什么想法为什么我的xls附件文件没有下载? thanks This is a perl wrapper creating the procmailrc file for me. 谢谢这是为我创建procmailrc文件的perl包装器。

    my $procmailrc =<<EOL;
:0 B
* ^Content-Type.*application.*name=.*\.(xls|rtf)

The generated recipe is syntactically correct, but semantically bogus; 生成的配方在语法上是正确的,但在语义上是虚假的。 this is almost certainly not what you want. 这几乎肯定不是您想要的。 The MAILDIR between the braces is equivalent to MAILDIR='' ie you are setting the MAILDIR variable's value to nothing. 大括号之间的MAILDIR等效于MAILDIR=''即您将MAILDIR变量的值设置为MAILDIR This causes the matching messages to be delivered to a different directory than your other messages, most likely a place you need to dig out from the log files so you can restore the misplaced messages. 这将导致匹配的消息被传递到与其他消息不同的目录,这很可能是您需要从日志文件中挖掘出的位置,以便可以恢复放错位置的消息。 Perhaps you do not have write access to the directory where you end up trying to deliver those messages, which will most likely cause the calling process to bounce them back to the sender. 也许您无权访问最终试图传递这些消息的目录,这很可能导致调用进程将其退回给发件人。

Anyway, since you have a log file, please post a pertinent snippet (three-four lines should be all we need) if you still cannot figure this out. 无论如何,由于您有一个日志文件,因此如果仍然无法解决,请发布相关的代码段(我们只需要三四行)。

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