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[英]using a protocol & delegate to pass data between views

I have almost finished working my way through this tutorial here Its really informative and has helped me understand how protocols and delegates work together for passing data around. 在这里完成了本教程的工作,几乎完成了它的工作它确实提供了很多信息,并帮助我了解了协议和委托如何一起工作以传递数据。

However I have one warning that poping up when I try to tell my subview that the mainview is its delegate. 但是,当我尝试告诉子视图主视图是其委托时,我有一个警告弹出。 its sending back this warning 它发回这个警告

"+setDelegate:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')" “找不到+ setDelegate:”(返回类型默认为“ id”)

Everything was on track up till that point and I am just woundering what this error means and if it is anything to do with the way I have implemented my code. 到那时为止,一切都在进行之中,而我只是在弄糟该错误的含义以及是否与实现我的代码的方式有关。

below is where the warning is happening... 以下是发生警告的地方...

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    // Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
    //--- Idendify selected indexPath (section/row)
    if (indexPath.section == 0) {
        //--- Get the subview ready for use
        VehicleResultViewController *vehicleResultViewController = [[VehicleResultViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"VehicleResultViewController" bundle:nil];
        // ...
        //--- Sets the back button for the new view that loads
        self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Back" style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:nil action:nil] autorelease];

        // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
        [self.navigationController pushViewController:vehicleResultViewController animated:YES];

        [VehicleResultViewController setDelegate:self]; //<<-- warning here says -->> Method'+setDelegate:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')

        switch (indexPath.row)
                case 0: vehicleResultViewController.title = @"Manufacture";
                [vehicleResultViewController setRequestString:@"manufacture.php"]; //sets the request string in searchResultsViewController

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Updated, this is how I set my delegate up SecondView.h 更新后,这就是我将我的代理设置为SecondView.h的方式

@interface VehicleResultViewController : UITableViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate> {
    id <PassSearchData> delegate;
@property (retain) id delegate;


SecondView.m SecondView.m

@synthesize delegate;
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
    [[self delegate] setVehicleSearchFields:vehicleCellTextLabel];

I hope this better clarifies what I am doing. 我希望这能更好地阐明我在做什么。

You are calling an instance method on a class. 您正在类上调用实例方法。

This line: 这行:

[VehicleResultViewController setDelegate:self];

should be: 应该:

[vehicleResultViewController setDelegate:self];

The first line calls setDelegate on VehicleResultViewController, which is the name of the class. 第一行在VehicleResultViewController上调用setDelegate,这是类的名称。 Since setDelegate is not a class method the compiler complains. 由于setDelegate不是类方法,因此编译器会抱怨。

The corrected line calls setDelegate on vehicleResultViewController, which is an instance of the class that you allocated. 更正后的行在vehicleResultViewController上调用setDelegate,这是您分配的类的实例。 This will work because setDelegate is an instance method. 这将起作用,因为setDelegate是实例方法。

It seems that you have declared a setter for delegate as a class method, indicated by the + in the warning. 似乎您已将delegate的setter声明为类方法,在警告中用+表示。

I'm guessing you have this declared somewhere... 我猜你在某处声明了这个...

+ (void)setDelegate:(id <SomeProtocol>)aDelegate when it should be - (void)setDelegate:(id <SomeProtocol>)aDelegate + (void)setDelegate:(id <SomeProtocol>)aDelegate何时应- (void)setDelegate:(id <SomeProtocol>)aDelegate

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