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Java RPG:有用的工具

[英]Java RPG: Useful tools

I was thinking about taking on an rpg project in Java from scratch but I have never tried doing much in the way of Java games. 我正在考虑从头开始用Java进行RPG项目,但我从来没有尝试过像Java游戏那样做多少。 It's not going to be very graphically intense; 这不会是非常强烈的图形; it is going to be 2-D and I want to use a style similar to the older, tile-based RPGs. 它将是2-D,我想使用类似于较旧的基于图块的RPG的样式。 I was wondering if there were any useful tools that anyone thinks may help. 我想知道是否有任何人认为可能有用的有用工具。

Currently, I only have Eclipse and NetBeans; 目前,我只有Eclipse和NetBeans; any input/suggestions are appreciated! 任何意见/建议表示赞赏! Thank you! 谢谢!

For developing a 2D Java game from scratch, a good 2d game engine is still needed. 从头开始开发2D Java游戏,仍然需要一个好的2D游戏引擎。

I recommend slick , one picture that you may be interested in 我推荐一款你可能感兴趣的光滑的图片 在此输入图像描述 (from its gallery) (来自其画廊)

JGame is also an option. JGame也是一种选择。 It supports Eclipse: http://www.13thmonkey.org/~boris/jgame/eclipse.html 它支持Eclipse: http//www.13thmonkey.org/~boris/jgame/eclipse.html

A good article for introducing JGame: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2006/jw-1205-games.html 介绍JGame的好文章: http//www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2006/jw-1205-games.html

I wrote a tile-based Java roguelike/RPG many years ago using just plain vanilla Eclipse. 多年前我使用普通的香草Eclipse编写了一个基于磁贴的Java roguelike / RPG。 Worked fine for me. 为我工作得很好。

Full source code here if you are interested (GPL open source): 如果您有兴趣(GPL开源),请在此处获取完整源代码:

Nowadays I would probably also add the following tools: 现在我可能还会添加以下工具:

  • Maven (m2eclipse) - for handling dependencies / 3rd party libraries Maven(m2eclipse) - 用于处理依赖项/第三方库
  • EGit / Github - for source code control EGit / Github - 用于源代码控制
  • Photoshop - for creating and touching up graphics tiles Photoshop - 用于创建和触摸图形图块

I'm going to be a devil's advocate and tell you about Steve Yegge's adventures developing a Java-based RPG , named Wyvern (sadly now defunct). 我将成为魔鬼的拥护者并告诉你Steve Yegge开发基于Java的RPG的冒险经历 ,名为Wyvern(遗憾的是现在已经不复存在)。 His view, as I understood it, was that Java made the code too complex to maintain; 正如我所理解的那样,他的观点是Java使得代码太复杂而无法维护; it got to half a million lines long, at one stage. 它在一个阶段达到了五十万行。

Sure, you might say your game won't get that big. 当然,你可能会说你的游戏不会那么大。 But don't underestimate the power of scope creep. 但是不要低估范围蔓延的力量。 :-) :-)

Nevertheless, some successful games are indeed written in Java. 然而,一些成功的游戏确实是用Java编写的。 mikera's answer is one example, as are games like Runescape or Minecraft. 迈克拉的答案就是一个例子,像Runescape或Minecraft这样的游戏也是如此。 But still, if your game has the potential to get big, Java probably still isn't (in my opinion, and it seems Steve Yegge's also) your best choice. 但是,如果你的游戏有可能变大,那么Java可能仍然不是(在我看来,而且看起来也是Steve Yegge)也是你最好的选择。

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