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SQL Azure备份和还原策略

[英]SQL Azure Backup & Restore strategy

We have a web based (ASP.NET MVC) application that uses SQL Server 2008 for its database. 我们有一个基于Web(ASP.NET MVC)的应用程序,它将SQL Server 2008用于其数据库。

Because the data is important to us (and our clients), we have a Backup & Restore strategy in place which, in a nutshell, looks like this: 由于数据对我们(以及我们的客户)非常重要,因此我们制定了备份和还原策略,简而言之,该策略如下所示:

-Weekly: Full database backup
-Nightly: Differential backup
-Hourly: Log backup

The strategy we use was greatly influenced by listening to a webcast done by Kimberly Tripp (which can be viewed here: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?culture=en-US&EventId=1032278589&CountryCode=US ). 我们使用的策略受到金佰利Tripp网络直播的影响很大(可以在这里查看: https ://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?culture = en-US&EventId = 1032278589&CountryCode = US )。

Question: 题:

Since we are looking into moving the database to SQL Azure, I wanted to know if anyone has put in place a similar Backup & Restore strategy within SQL Azure. 由于我们正在考虑将数据库迁移到SQL Azure,我想知道是否有人在SQL Azure中实施了类似的备份和还原策略。

Has anyone encountered any known issues with trying to put in place a Backup & Restore strategy with Azure? 尝试使用Azure实施备份和还原策略是否有人遇到任何已知问题?

Thanks for any help on this. 感谢您的帮助。

Backup/restore is a whole different animal in SQL Azure as the traditional backup/restore commands are not available. 备份/恢复是SQL Azure中完全不同的动物,因为传统的备份/恢复命令不可用。 See the article SQL Azure Backup and Restore Strategy for a good overview and then read Copying Databases in SQL Azure . 有关概述,请参阅SQL Azure备份和还原策略一文,然后阅读SQL Azure中的复制数据库 Also take a look at redgate's (beta) third party tool for SQL Azure Backup . 另请参阅针对SQL Azure Backup的 redgate(beta)第三方工具

EDIT : Adding a reference to a new blog post that appeared today (Sept 29, 2011): Data backup strategies for Windows and SQL Azure 编辑 :添加对今天出现的新博客文章的引用(2011年9月29日): Windows和SQL Azure的数据备份策略

Redgate offers a free tool to backup and restore a database from SQL Azure to SQL Server or Azure Blob Storage: Redgate提供了一个免费工具,用于将数据库从SQL Azure备份和还原到SQL Server或Azure Blob存储:

I wrote a blog post on backing up your SQL Azure DB to a blog file using nothing more complex than some free command line tools and the windows task scheduler, should save you some money and hassle :-) 我写了一篇关于将SQL Azure数据库备份到博客文件的博客文章,使用的不比一些免费的命令行工具和Windows任务调度程序更复杂,应该为您节省一些钱和麻烦:-)

https://iainhunter.wordpress.com/2012/08/21/sql-azure-disaster-recovery/ https://iainhunter.wordpress.com/2012/08/21/sql-azure-disaster-recovery/


In addition to the options that Joe has mentioned you can also use DAC as mentioned here . 除了Joe提到的选项之外,您还可以使用此处提到的DAC。 It is a little out of date as you can now import/export BACPAC files from blob storage in the portal. 由于您现在可以从门户网站中的blob存储导入/导出BACPAC文件,因此它有点过时了。

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