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Python试图重构(DRY out)长的控制流

[英]Python trying to Refactor (DRY out) a long Control Flow

I am grabbing a lot of data from and SQL query that takes a long time to run. 我从中获取了大量数据,并且SQL查询需要很长时间才能运行。 Since the SQL query takes so long to run, I am grabbing the data from the database in its most granular form. 由于SQL查询需要很长时间才能运行,因此我以最精细的形式从数据库中获取数据。 I then cycle through this data once and aggregate it in the forms that are useful to me. 然后,我循环浏览这些数据一次,并以对我有用的形式对其进行汇总。

My problem is that I am repeating myself over and over again. 我的问题是我一遍又一遍地重复自己。 However, I am not sure of the best way to refactor this control flow. 但是,我不确定重构此控制流的最佳方法。 Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

def processClickOutData(cls, raw_data):
    singles = {}
    absolute_total = 0
    channels = {}

    singles_true = {}
    channels_true = {}
    absolute_total_true = 0

    list_channels = set([])
    list_tids = set([])

    total_position = {}
    total_position_true = {}
    tid_position = {}
    channel_position = {}
    channel_position_true = {}
    tid_position_true = {}

    for row in raw_data:


        absolute_total += int(count)

        if total.has_key(gap):
            total[gap] += count
            total[gap] = count

        if singles.has_key(gap) and singles[gap].has_key(tid):
            singles[gap][tid] += count
        elif singles.has_key(gap):
            singles[gap][tid] = count
            singles[gap] = {}
            singles[gap][tid] = count

        if channels.has_key(gap) and channels[gap].has_key(channel):
            channels[gap][channel] += count
        elif channels.has_key(gap):
            channels[gap][channel] = count
            channels[gap] = {}
            channels[gap][channel] = count
        if total_position.has_key(position):
            total_position[position] += count
            total_position[position] = count
        if tid_position.has_key(position) and tid_position[position].has_key(tid):
            tid_position[position][tid] += count     
        elif tid_position.has_key(position):
            tid_position[position][tid] = count
            tid_position[position] = {}
            tid_position[position][tid] = count

        if channel_position.has_key(position) and channel_position[position].has_key(channel):
            channel_position[position][channel] += count     
        elif channel_position.has_key(position):
            channel_position[position][channel] = count
            channel_position[position] = {}
            channel_position[position][channel] = count

        if prefered == 0:
            absolute_total_true += count
            if total_true.has_key(gap):
                total_true[gap] += count
                total_true[gap] = count

            if singles_true.has_key(gap) and singles_true[gap].has_key(tid):
                singles_true[gap][tid] += count
            elif singles_true.has_key(gap):
                singles_true[gap][tid] = count
                singles_true[gap] = {}
                singles_true[gap][tid] = count

            if channels_true.has_key(gap) and channels_true[gap].has_key(channel):
               channels_true[gap][channel] += count
            elif channels_true.has_key(gap):
               channels_true[gap][channel] = count
               channels_true[gap] = {}
               channels_true[gap][channel] = count

            if total_position_true.has_key(position):
               total_position_true[position] += count
               total_position_true[position] = count 

            if tid_position_true.has_key(position) and tid_position_true[position].has_key(tid):
               tid_position_true[position][tid] += count     
            elif tid_position_true.has_key(position):
               tid_position_true[position][tid] = count
               tid_position_true[position] = {}
               tid_position_true[position][tid] = count

            if channel_position_true.has_key(position) and channel_position_true[position].has_key(channel):
               channel_position_true[position][channel] += count     
            elif channel_position_true.has_key(position):
               channel_position_true[position][channel] = count
               channel_position_true[position] = {}
               channel_position_true[position][channel] = count

    final_values = {"singles" : singles, "singles_true" : singles_true, "total" : total, "total_true": total_true, "absolute_total": absolute_total, "absolute_total_true": absolute_total_true, "channel_totals" : channels, "list_channels" : list_channels, "list_tids" : list_tids, "channel_totals_true" : channels_true,
                     "total_position" :  total_position, "total_position_true" : total_position_true, "tid_position" : tid_position, "channel_position" : channel_position, "tid_position_true" : tid_position_true, "channel_position_true" : channel_position_true }
    return final_values

The entire structure you're using to store the data is probably wrong, but since I don't know how you're using it, I can't help you with that. 您用来存储数据的整个结构可能是错误的,但是由于我不知道您如何使用它,因此我无法为您提供帮助。

You can get rid of all of those has_key() calls by using collections.defaultdict . 您可以使用collections.defaultdict摆脱所有has_key()调用。 Note thedict.has_key(key) is deprecated anyway, you should just use key in thedict instead. 注意thedict.has_key(key)仍然被弃用,您应该只key in thedict使用key in thedict

Look at how I change the for loop too -- you can assign to names right in the for statement, no need to do it separately. 再看看我如何更改for循环-您可以直接在for语句中分配名称,而无需单独进行操作。

from collections import defaultdict

def processClickOutData(cls, raw_data):
    absolute_total = 0
    absolute_total_true = 0

    list_channels = set()
    list_tids = set()

    total = defaultdict(int)
    total_true = defaultdict(int)
    total_position = defaultdict(int)
    total_position_true = defaultdict(int)

    def defaultdict_int():
        return defaultdict(int)

    singles = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    singles_true = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    channels = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    channels_true = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    tid_position = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    tid_position_true = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    channel_position = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)
    channel_position_true = defaultdict(defaultdict_int)    

    for gap, count, prefered, channel, position in raw_data:

        absolute_total += count
        total[gap] += count
        singles[gap][tid] += count
        channels[gap][channel] += count
        total_position[position] += count
        tid_position[position][tid] += count
        channel_position[position][channel] += count

        if prefered == 0:
            absolute_total_true += count
            total_true[gap] += count
            singles_true[gap][tid] += count
            channels_true[gap][channel] += count
            total_position_true[position] += count
            tid_position_true[position][tid] += count
            channel_position_true[position][channel] += count

    final_values = {"singles" : singles, "singles_true" : singles_true, "total" : total, "total_true": total_true, "absolute_total": absolute_total, "absolute_total_true": absolute_total_true, "channel_totals" : channels, "list_channels" : list_channels, "list_tids" : list_tids, "channel_totals_true" : channels_true,
                     "total_position" :  total_position, "total_position_true" : total_position_true, "tid_position" : tid_position, "channel_position" : channel_position, "tid_position_true" : tid_position_true, "channel_position_true" : channel_position_true }
    return final_values

What this does is automatically fill in the correct default values if the keys don't exist. 如果这些键不存在,它将自动填写正确的默认值。 You've got two kinds here. 您在这里有两种。 Where you're adding int s, you want to start with 0 if it doesn't exist -- that's what int returns, hence defaultdict(int) . 在添加int的位置,如果它不存在, defaultdict(int)0开头-这就是int返回的内容,因此是defaultdict(int) Where you're adding a dictionary that adds int s, you need to use a function that returns a defaultdict(int) which is what defaultdict_int does. 在添加添加int的字典的地方,需要使用一个返回defaultdict(int)的函数,该函数就是defaultdict_int所做的事情。

Edit: Suggested alternate dictionary structure: 编辑:建议的备用字典结构:

position = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(defaultdict_int))
gap = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(defaultdict_int))
absolute_total = 0

for gap, count, prefered, channel, position in raw_data:
    absolute_total += count

    posd = position[position]
    posd.setdefault('total', 0)
    posd['total'] += count
    posd['tid'][tid] += count
    posd['channel'][channel] += count

    gapd = gap[gap]
    gapd.setdefault('total', 0)
    gapd['total'] += count
    gapd['tid'][tid] += count
    gapd['channel'][channel] += count

Do the same with the _true versions as well, and you've gone from 12 dict s to 4. _true版本也执行相同的_true ,而您从12 dict变为4。

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