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[英]how to design a web application that developers can use to retrieve the crashdump/Logs from customer environment

Hi I am c++ developer and my knowledge to web technologies is minimum. 嗨,我是c ++开发人员,而且我对Web技术的知识最少。 Right now i am trying to design a web application which the development team can use to connect to specific customer and collect any crash dumps or log files. 现在,我正在尝试设计一个Web应用程序,开发团队可以使用该Web应用程序连接到特定客户并收集所有故障转储或日志文件。

With my research i realized it could be the following way. 通过我的研究,我意识到可以采用以下方式。

1) develop an agent with build it http server and listing for request in specific port and install it in a machine with internet access and public ip address in all customer sites environment. 1)开发一个具有http服务器并在特定端口列出请求的代理,并将其安装在所有客户站点环境中具有Internet访问和公用ip地址的计算机上。

2) The agent is capable of collecting the required information from the customer environment based on the request it receives. 2)代理能够根据收到的请求从客户环境收集所需的信息。

3) Develop an application with browser interface, and installed it centrally on the development data center. 3)使用浏览器界面开发应用程序,并将其集中安装在开发数据中心上。 This application must have capability to connect to a specific customer environment and send http request over the internet to listening agent in that customer site and collect crash dump or logs or some statistics on the customer environment based on the request. 此应用程序必须具有连接到特定客户环境的功能,并通过Internet向该客户站点中的侦听代理发送http请求,并基于请求收集故障转储或日志或有关客户环境的某些统计信息。

I am not sure this is the right way of doing, but I am sure there is a better way to do it. 我不确定这是正确的方法,但是我确信有更好的方法。 Any help or pointers on what is the right approach and what kind of infrastructure is require to implement this kind of a service is highly appreciated. 高度赞赏有关实现这种服务所需的正确方法和基础结构的任何帮助或指示。

Regards, Prakash R 此致Prakash R

The approach looks serviceable, except you don't need to develop any applications to do that, as existing applications fit the bill nicely: 该方法看起来很实用,除非您不需要开发任何应用程序来做到这一点,因为现有应用程序非常适合:

  1. Use a web server of your choice. 使用您选择的Web服务器。 Apache is well known and open source (free). Apache是​​众所周知的开源软件(免费)。 You might wish to configure security. 您可能希望配置安全性。
  2. Assuming you're running under unix, you could use a link to include the log directory in the file system the apache serves. 假设您在Unix下运行,则可以使用链接将日志目录包括在apache服务的文件系统中。
  3. Use your browser. 使用浏览器。 (You obviously have one already). (您显然已经有一个)。 If you have many sites, you could use bookmarks, on a link list in your intranet, or ... 如果您有许多站点,则可以在Intranet的链接列表上使用书签,或者...

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