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[英]Placing ads in my android app

I am planning to create an android application that may contain some ads. 我打算创建一个可能包含一些广告的android应用程序。 The ads shall be pushed from a web site that hosted in my server. 广告应从我服务器上托管的网站推送。 I can push different ads from my server and the users of the application can be able to like, dislike the ads. 我可以从服务器中推送不同的广告,应用程序的用户可以喜欢或不喜欢这些广告。 Based on the user's like/dislike input I can create a rating for the product. 根据用户的喜欢/不喜欢输入,我可以为产品创建一个评分。

Have anybody did the same things before. 有没有人做过同样的事情。

Is there any specific controls in the android stack for this? android堆栈中是否有任何特定控件? Can I use Android App widget for this? 我可以为此使用Android App小部件吗?

I dont think you need more than a custom ad view , a db and network calls. 我认为您不需要的只是自定义广告视图,数据库和网络调用。

The whole idea I think it would be: 我认为整个想法是:

  1. create the ad view with buttons. 使用按钮创建广告视图。
  2. onButtonPressed() stores the like or dislike value to the db onButtonPressed()将喜欢或不喜欢的值存储到数据库中
  3. and fire the server sync. 并启动服务器同步。

Android Widget is limited, but it can do these simple things too. Android Widget受限制,但它也可以做这些简单的事情。

:) :)

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