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[英]Not able to access cookie in javascript at path /

I am using jQuery to access/set the cookies. 我正在使用jQuery访问/设置cookie。 I have planted a cookie named CookieNo1 at path / . 我在路径/处植入了一个名为CookieNo1的cookie。

I planted this using the url localhost:8080/audi . 我使用url localhost:8080/audi种植了它。

The cookie value is stored, which I checked manually on the firefox cookies. cookie值已存储,我在Firefox cookie上手动检查过。 Now when I try to access the same cookie, using the url localhost:8080/audi/products using $.cookie('CookieNo1'); 现在,当我尝试访问相同的cookie时,使用$.cookie('CookieNo1');使用url localhost:8080/audi/products $.cookie('CookieNo1');

This doesn't seem to retrieve the value of the cookie. 这似乎没有检索cookie的值。 It returns a null value. 它返回一个空值。 However when I try to write the cookie using the same localhost:8080/audi/products url, it overwrites the previous cookie value. 但是,当我尝试使用相同的localhost:8080/audi/products url编写cookie时,它将覆盖以前的cookie值。 Please help me with this issue. 请帮我解决这个问题。

All I need is $.cookie('CookieNo1') to return the previous cookie value instead of null. 我需要的只是$.cookie('CookieNo1')返回以前的cookie值,而不是null。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

You have to set the expiry date. 您必须设置有效期限。 Otherwise, the cookie is removed at the end of the session. 否则,cookie将在会话结束时被删除。 In JQuery: $("CookieNo1", "value", {expires: 7}) (this cookie stays for 7 days). 在JQuery中: $("CookieNo1", "value", {expires: 7}) (此cookie保留7天)。

In JavaScript: 在JavaScript中:

document.cookie = "CookieNo1=value; max-age=604800";

max-age sets the maximum lifetime of a cookie, in seconds. max-age设置cookie的最长生存时间(以秒为单位)。


Quote from comments: 引用评论:

@RobW I added the cookie using jquery on the page http://localhost:8080/audi with the code $.cookie("asdftraffic", valueToSet, { expires: 30, path: '/', secure: true }); @RobW我在页面http:// localhost:8080 / audi上使用jquery添加了cookie,其代码$.cookie("asdftraffic", valueToSet, { expires: 30, path: '/', secure: true }); I try to retrieve the cookie from the url http://localhost:8080/audi/products using '$.cookie('asdftraffic');' 我尝试使用'$.cookie('asdftraffic');'从URL http:// localhost:8080 / audi / products检索cookie '$.cookie('asdftraffic');' which returns null. 返回null。

Your issue is caused by secure: true . 您的问题是由secure: true引起的secure: true This attribute requires the cookie to be transmitted over a secure connection ( https ). 此属性要求cookie通过安全连接( https )传输。 Remove the secure: true flag if you're not using an encrypted connection. 如果您不使用加密连接,请删除secure: true标志。

First you set the cookie: 首先,您设置cookie:

var myvalue = 100, 2000, 300;
$.cookie("mycookie", myvalue);

Then you get the cookie: 然后,您获得cookie:

var getmycookie = $.cookie("mycookie");
    var myvalues = getmycookie.split(",");
    var firstval = myvalues[0];
    var secondval = myvalues[1];
    var thirdval = myvalues[2];

Should'nt be much harder. 应该不难得多。 When not specifying an expiration, the cookie is deleted on session end ie when the browser is closed. 如果未指定到期时间,则在会话结束时即关闭浏览器时删除cookie。

EDIT: You can also specify the path: 编辑:您还可以指定路径:

$.cookie("mycookie", myvalue, {
expires : 10,           //expires in 10 days

path    : '/products',          //The value of the path attribute of the cookie 
                       //(default: path of page that created the cookie).

domain  : 'http://localhost:8080',  //The value of the domain attribute of the cookie
                       //(default: domain of page that created the cookie).

secure  : true          //If set to true the secure attribute of the cookie
                       //will be set and the cookie transmission will
                       //require a secure protocol (defaults to false).

I would think something like this would do: 我认为这样可以:

var myvalue = 100, 2000, 300;
$.cookie("mycookie", myvalue, {path : '/audi/products'});

Oh, and a session ends when the browser is closed, not when the page is unloaded, so a session cookie will do. 哦,会话会在关闭浏览器时结束,而不是在页面卸载时结束,因此会话cookie会完成。

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