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用于iPhone 2D游戏的麻雀或Cocos2D?

[英]Sparrow or Cocos2D for iPhone 2D game?

I want to develop a game for iPhone. 我想为iPhone开发一款游戏。 For 2D game development in iPhone which one of these would be better in the long run....Sparrow or Cocos2D? 对于iPhone中的2D游戏开发,其中一个在长远来看会更好....麻雀或Cocos2D? I've seen that there is a scarce documentation for Sparrow framework but Sparrow forum says it is easier to develop games in Sparrow as compared to Cocos2D. 我已经看到Sparrow框架有一个稀缺的文档,但Sparrow论坛表示,与Cocos2D相比,在Sparrow开发游戏更容易。 So, where should i start with? 那么,我应该从哪里开始呢?

Both look pretty good for basic 2D development but Cocos2D seems a bit more mature (though Sparrow does seem to have a good start. 两者看起来都非常适合基本的2D开发,但Cocos2D看起来有点成熟(尽管Sparrow似乎有一个良好的开端。

Another potential consideration is portability. 另一个潜在的考虑因素是便携性 The cocos2d API has been ported to android but Sparrow hasn't. cocos2d API已被移植到android但Sparrow却没有。

Cocos2d is thoroughly developed, and there are several books and a myriad of forums on the subject. Cocos2d已经完全开发,有几本书和关于这个主题的无数论坛。 I don't know too much about Sparrow. 我对Sparrow不太了解。 "Easy" is a relative term. “简单”是一个相对术语。 If I were you, learn cocos2d. 如果我是你,学习cocos2d。

Edit: since this question was asked, there's Apple's SpriteKit and a game engine I've built called MBTileParser . 编辑:自从提出这个问题以来,有Apple的SpriteKit和我建立的名为MBTileParser的游戏引擎。

If your game is making use of large amount of animation, most likely that Cocos2D is your friend. 如果你的游戏正在使用大量动画,那很可能是Cocos2D是你的朋友。 It is because Cocos2D supports PVRTC texture which reduce memory usage. 这是因为Cocos2D支持PVRTC纹理,可以减少内存使用量。 PVRTC is an image format. PVRTC是一种图像格式。 When it is loaded into RAM, it consumes less memory at the expense of image quality. 当它加载到RAM中时,它会以牺牲图像质量为代价来消耗更少的内存。 PVRTC is not yet supported in the current version of Sparrow. 当前版本的Sparrow尚不支持PVRTC。

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