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[英]Calling SignalR hub clients from elsewhere in system

I've set up a SignalR hub to communicate between the server and client. 我已经设置了SignalR集线器以在服务器和客户端之间进行通信。 The hub server side code is stored in a class called Hooking.cs. 中心服务器端代码存储在名为Hooking.cs的类中。 What I want is to be able to call a method defined in Hooking.cs to allow me to broadcast messages to any connected clients from anywhere in my application. 我想要的是能够调用Hooking.cs中定义的方法,以允许我从应用程序中的任何位置向任何连接的客户端广播消息。 It seems that a new instance of Hooking.cs is created for every client/server call, so I had hoped that I would be able to use something like 似乎为每个客户端/服务器调用都创建了一个新的Hooking.cs实例,因此我希望可以使用类似

var hooking = new Hooking();

with the method Test() defined in Hooking.cs such as 与Hooking.cs中定义的方法Test()如

public static void Test() {

and with a the client side javascript 并带有客户端javascript

var hooking = $.connection.hooking;
hooking.test = function() { alert("test worked"); };

Unfortunately it isn't that simple, as Clients is not static, so not accessible from a static method. 不幸的是,它不是那么简单,因为客户端不是静态的,因此无法通过静态方法进行访问。

Looking through the SignalR source code I came across a method that looked promising, Hubs.Invoke(string hubName, string method, params object[] args) , so I would hope I could use something such as Hubs.Invoke("Hooking", "Test") but I can't make it work. 在查看SignalR源代码时,我遇到了一种看起来很有希望的方法Hubs.Invoke(string hubName, string method, params object[] args) ,所以我希望可以使用Hubs.Invoke("Hooking", "Test")但我无法使其正常工作。

Any help with this would be hugely appreciated 任何帮助将不胜感激

This is the correct way for SignalR 2.x: 这是SignalR 2.x的正确方法:

var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MyHub>();

Basically, you can use the dependency resolver for the current host to resolve the IConnectionManager interface which allows you to get ahold of the context object for a hub. 基本上,您可以将依赖解析器用于当前主机,以解析IConnectionManager接口,该接口可让您获取集线器的上下文对象。

Further information can be found in the official documentation . 可以在官方文档中找到更多信息。

Hub.GetClients has disappeared in version 0.4.0. Hub.GetClients在版本0.4.0中已消失。

From the wiki you can now use: 现在可以从Wiki使用:

IConnectionManager connectionManager = AspNetHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager>();
dynamic clients = connectionManager.GetClients<MyHub>();

You can easily use a hub by following this 2 step- 您可以按照以下2个步骤轻松使用集线器

  1. Instantiating by dependency injection like this- 像这样通过依赖注入实例化-

     public class ClassName { ........ ........ private IHubContext _hub; public BulletinSenderController(IConnectionManager connectionManager) { _hub = connectionManager.GetHubContext<McpHub>(); ........ ........ } ............ ............ } 

2.Using the hub object like this- 2.像这样使用hub对象-


More can be found here . 这里可以找到更多。

Example code can be found in this git repo . 示例代码可以在此git repo中找到。

Have a look at how it's done in Chat.cs in SignalR.Samples.Hubs.Chat from https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR . https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR的 Chat.cs中的SignalR.Samples.Hubs.Chat查看它是如何完成的。

I can see in there that static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> 's are being instantiated at the top, so I imagine they are being maintained persistently too, either with the Chat class being a persisted instance (?) or that array being updated somehow. 我可以在其中看到静态的Dictionary<TKey, TValue>在顶部被实例化,因此我想它们也将得到持久维护,或者将Chat类作为持久化实例(?)或以某种方式更新该数组。 。

Check it out, David Fowler would probably be the best on this. 检查一下,David Fowler可能是最好的。

This has changed in .NET Core 2, now you can use dependency injection like this: 在.NET Core 2中,这已经发生了变化,现在您可以使用依赖项注入,如下所示:

    private readonly IHubContext<MyHub,IMyHubInterface> _hubContext;

    public MyController(MyHub,IMyHubInterface hubContext)
        _hubContext = hubContext;

    public bool SendViaSignalR()
        _hubContext.Clients.All.MyClientSideSignalRMethod(new MyModel());
        return true;

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