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[英]ASP.NET Server Tags

When I use: 我用的时候:

<asp:Label id="lbCatId" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("VideoId") %>' Visible="true" />

I get: 我明白了:

<span id="ctl00_mainContent_ucCoverFlow_rptVideos_ctl00_lbCatId">5</span>

However when I use: 但是当我使用时:

<asp:Image runat="server" href='Play.aspx?VideoId=<%# Eval("VideoId") %>' ID="iThumbnailFileName" CssClass="content" />

I get: 我明白了:

<img id="ctl00_mainContent_ucCoverFlow_rptVideos_ctl01_iThumbnailFileName" class="content" href="Play.aspx?VideoId=&lt;%# Eval(&quot;VideoId&quot;) %>"

I would like to know why C# isn't generating the 'VideoId' like it is in the first example. 我想知道为什么C#没有像第一个例子那样生成'VideoId'。

Try using the ImageUrl property instead. 请尝试使用ImageUrl属性。 The href attribute probably doesn't know how to interpret databinding syntax. href属性可能不知道如何解释数据绑定语法。

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='Play.aspx?VideoId=<%# Eval("VideoId") %>' ...>

You are printing the string of the command you want to execute instead of executing it. 您正在打印要执行的命令的字符串而不是执行它。

Use : 采用 :

 '<%# "Play.aspx?VideoId=" + Eval("VideoId") %>'

Instead of : 代替 :

 'Play.aspx?VideoId=<%# Eval("VideoId") %>'


<asp:Image runat="server" href='<%# "Play.aspx?VideoId=" + Eval("VideoId") %>' ID="iThumbnailFileName" CssClass="content" />

Try to change: 尝试改变:

href='Play.aspx?VideoId=<%# Eval("VideoId") %>'


href='<%# "Play.aspx?VideoId=" + Eval("VideoId") %>'

'<%#Eval(“VideoId”,“Play.aspx?VideoId = {0}”)%>'

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