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CustomValidator无法正常运行(asp.net vb)

[英]CustomValidator not working (asp.net vb)

I am using the CustomValidator for the first time but it doesn't seem to be firing DateExpireRequired_ServerValidate and just runs the code in the Click action. 我是第一次使用CustomValidator,但它似乎并未触发DateExpireRequired_ServerValidate,而只是在Click操作中运行了代码。

Been bugging me for a couple hours now! 现在烦了我几个小时! can anyone see a problem with what im doing? 谁能看到我在做什么问题?

The DropDownList in my code below is populated using Roles.GetAllRoles() 我下面的代码中的DropDownList使用Roles.GetAllRoles()填充


<asp:Label ID="lUserRole" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="tUserRole">User Role:</asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="tUserRole" runat="server" CausesValidation="True">

<asp:Label ID="lDateExpire" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="tDateExpire">Date Expire:</asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="tDateExpire" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CustomValidator ID="DateExpireRequired" runat="server"
                ControlToValidate="tDateExpire" ErrorMessage="Date Expire is required for 'Users'." OnServerValidate="DateExpireRequired_ServerValidate"
                ToolTip="Date Expire is required for 'Users'." CssClass="frmError"></asp:CustomValidator>


    Sub DateExpireRequired_ServerValidate(source As Object, args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs)

    If tUserRole.SelectedValue = "User" Then
        If tDateExpire.Text <> "" Then
            args.IsValid = False
            args.IsValid = True
        End If
        args.IsValid = True
    End If

End Sub

Thanks J. 谢谢J.

You have Enabled="false" in your custom validator definition. 您的自定义验证程序定义中具有Enabled="false" I assume this is disabling that validator. 我假设这正在禁用该验证器。

The answer was as in Menno van den Heuvel's comment above: 答案与Menno van den Heuvel的上述评论相同:

Do you have validateemptytext set to True? 您是否将validateemptytext设置为True? I see that you check for an empty string in your event handler, but the event handler won't be run if the bound control's value is empty. 我看到您在事件处理程序中检查了一个空字符串,但是如果绑定控件的值为空,则该事件处理程序将不会运行。

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