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ASP.NET / IIS上的相对路径和绝对路径

[英]Relative and absolute paths on ASP.NET/IIS

I've read many articles about relative/absolute paths, but I still can't grok this problem. 我读过很多关于相对/绝对路径的文章,但我仍然无法解决这个问题。

The following code is from my ASP.NET Master page: 以下代码来自我的ASP.NET Master页:

            <a href="/Reports/One.aspx">One</a>
            <a href="~/Reports/Two.aspx">Two</a>

(Note that one link has a ~ and one doesn't.) (注意,一个链接有~而一个没有。)

When running the site, the first link points to http://server/Reports/One.aspx , and the second link points to http://server/company/project/Reports/~/Reports/Two.aspx . 运行站点时,第一个链接指向http://server/Reports/One.aspx ,第二个链接指向http://server/company/project/Reports/~/Reports/Two.aspx

How do I get to the root of my ASP.NET project without it ignoring whatever virtual directories are set up on IIS? 如何在不忽略IIS上设置的虚拟目录的情况下访问ASP.NET项目的根目录?

Add runat="server" attribute to the anchor tag. runat="server"属性添加到锚标记。 You can't use the ~ root operator with HTML tags. 您不能将~root运算符与HTML标记一起使用。 Only the server controls (Html or Web) can use it. 只有服务器控件(Html或Web)才能使用它。

<a runat="server" href="~/Reports/Two.aspx">Two</a>


<a href='<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/Reports/Two.aspx")%>'>Two</a>

A relative path is relative to the current resource, so if you were viewing 相对路径是相对于当前资源的,因此如果您正在查看


a relative path of reports/one.aspx would be http://yourhost/app/reports/one.aspx . reports/one.aspx的相对路径为http://yourhost/app/reports/one.aspx Note the absence of a leading / in the relative path. 注意相对路径中没有前导/ That's what makes it relative. 这就是它相对的原因。

An absolute path, as you can probably guess, starts with a / , and it uses the hostname of the current resource, so that would http://yourhost/reports/one.aspx . 您可以猜测,绝对路径以/开头,它使用当前资源的主机名,因此http://yourhost/reports/one.aspx

~ is an red herring. 〜是一只红鲱鱼。 It's a .NET -only addition used by various parts of ASP.NET to base your path off the current application root. 它是一个.NET,它只是ASP.NET的各个部分用来基于当前应用程序根目录的路径。 So if your application root was http://yourhost/app , you were viewing http://yourhost/app/views/default.aspx , and you asked .NET for the path ~/reports/one.aspx', you would be given http://yourhost/app/reports/one.aspx `. 因此,如果您的应用程序根目录是http://yourhost/app ,那么您正在查看http://yourhost/app/views/default.aspx ,并且您要求.NET提供路径~/reports/one.aspx', you would be given http://yourhost/app/reports/one.aspx`

~ isn't used by HTML, IIS or URLs, so if your browser sees it, it'll just use it as is. 〜不是HTML,IIS或URL使用的,所以如果你的浏览器看到它,它就会按原样使用它。

Note : Some Unix servers can use ~ to map in a user's home directory, but that's just complicating things. 注意 :有些Unix服务器可以使用~来映射用户的主目录,但这只会让事情复杂化。

Please read There is something about "Paths" for ASP.NET beginners . 请阅读有关ASP.NET初学者的“路径”的内容 It will give a complete idea on "Paths" in an ASP.NET application. 它将给出ASP.NET应用程序中“路径”的完整概念。

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