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[英]Change a font style in a TextBox

I have several text box's where input is added. 我有几个文本框,其中添加了输入。 All these input are then displayed in a text box at the bottom of the program after the button is clicked. 所有这些输入都会在单击按钮后显示在程序底部的文本框中。

I want to make the just one of those strings to display as italics in the text box at the bottom of the program. 我想让这些字符串中的一个在程序底部的文本框中显示为斜体。

Here is what I have. 这就是我所拥有的。

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string author; private void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){string author; string name; 字符串名称; string year; 弦年; string title; 字符串标题; string place; 串位; string publisher; 字符串出版商

        name = textBox2.Text + ", ";
        author = textBox1.Text + ". ";
        year =  "(" + textBox3.Text + ") ";
        title = textBox4.Text + ", ";
        place = textBox5.Text + ", ";
        publisher = textBox6.Text + ".";

        // output to reference field

        richTextBox1.Text = name + author + year + title + place + publisher;


What i want is to display the title string in italics. 我想要的是以斜体显示标题字符串。

Any help would be great. 任何帮助都会很棒。 Thanks 谢谢

richTextBox1.Find(title, RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase);
richTextBox1.SelectionFont = new Font(richTextBox1.Font, FontStyle.Italic);

That should italicize the title of the book and only the title of the book, while keeping the font the same as the rest of the rich text box. 这应该保持书的标题和书的标题,同时保持字体与富文本框的其余部分相同。

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