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[英]Python: create a list containing dicts

how would you turn this string: 你怎么把这个字符串:


into a list that give you this: 到一个列表,给你这个:

print x[1]['building']=CL5

which would be: 可能是:


i've tried to split the string first and append to a list: 我试过先分割字符串并追加到列表中:

for s in str.split('|'):

But i'm stuck on how to turn the list items into a dictionary that i can then use to populate another list. 但是我仍然坚持如何将列表项转换成字典,然后可以用来填充另一个列表。

    dict(item.split(':') for item in part.split(','))
    for part in text.split('|')]
# [{'eeid': '67739', 'ldap': 'alberthwang'}, {'building': 'CL5', 'eeid': '107', 'ldap': 'meng'}]

# CL5
  1. List comprehensions are a very convenient way to construct lists such as this. 列表理解是构造这样的列表的一种非常方便的方法。
  2. A dict can be constructed from an iterable of key-value pairs. 可以从可迭代的键值对构造字典 The iterable used above was a generator expression . 上面使用的迭代器是生成器表达式
  3. str is a built-in type, so assigning a string to str overwrites the builtin. str是内置类型,因此将字符串分配给str覆盖内置函数。 It's better to choose some other variable name to avoid future surprising bugs. 最好选择其他一些变量名,以避免将来出现意外错误。

I read and write list comprehensions backwards: 我向后读写列表理解:

[ expression            # (3)
  for variable in       # (2)
  iterable              # (1)

(1): First, understand the iterable. (1):首先,了解迭代。 In the solution above, this is text.split('|') . 在上面的解决方案中,这是text.split('|')

(2): for variable in causes variable to be assigned to the values in iterable , one at a time. (2): for variable in variable ,将variable一次赋给iterable的值。

(3): Finally, expression can be any Python expression, (usually) using variable . (3):最后, expression可以是任何Python表达式,(通常)使用variable

The syntax for generator expressions is almost the same. 生成器表达式的语法几乎相同。 The difference between a list comprehension and a generator expression is that a list comprehension returns a list, while a generator expression returns an iterator -- an object that yields its contents on-demand (as it is looped over, or when next is called) instead of generating all the items at once as is the case with list s. 列表推导和生成器表达式之间的区别在于,列表推导返回一个列表,而生成器表达式返回一个迭代器-一个对象,该对象按需产生其内容(在循环时或在调用next时)而不是像list那样一次生成所有项目。

A list can consume a lot of memory if the list is long. 如果列表很长,则列表可能会占用大量内存。 A generator expression will consume less memory (and can even be infinite) because not all elements have to exist in memory at the same time. 生成器表达式将消耗更少的内存(甚至可以是无限的),因为并非所有元素都必须同时存在于内存中。

Using str as a variable name is a bad idea, since it overshadows the built-in str . 使用str作为变量名是一个坏主意,因为它使内置的str黯然失色。

s ='ldap:alberthwang,eeid:67739|ldap:meng,eeid:107,building:CL5'
res = [dict(colonStr.split(':') for colonStr in ds.split(','))
       for ds in s.split('|')]

stores the result you what in res . 将结果存储在res

The key insight here is that dict can take a list of key/value pairs. 这里的关键见解是dict可以列出键/值对的列表。 So, you can do this using a comprehension like this: 因此,您可以使用如下理解方法进行此操作:

string = 'ldap:alberthwang,eeid:67739|ldap:meng,eeid:107,building:CL5'

list_of_dicts = [dict(item.split(':') for item in items.split(',')) for items in string.split('|')]
print list_of_dicts

Maybe this way: 也许这样:

>>> s = 'ldap:alberthwang,eeid:67739|ldap:meng,eeid:107,building:CL5'
>>> x = [dict([d.split(':') for d in ls.split(',')]) for ls in s.split('|')]
>>> x[1]['building']
>>> 'CL5'

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