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Adobe Air相对性能

[英]Adobe Air relative performance

How do Adobe Air applications (written in flash or flex) perform in relation to other technologies such as .Net? 与.Net等其他技术相比,Adobe Air应用程序(用Flash或Flex编写)的性能如何?

By 'perform' I mean: “执行”是指:

  1. Graphics/rendering (drawing shapes to on a canvas for example) 图形/渲染(例如在画布上绘制形状)
  2. Loop/mathematical performance (eg an eratosthenes sieve) 循环/数学性能(例如橡皮擦筛网)

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

You should take a look at this - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/09/flash-vs-silverlight-what-suits-your-needs-best/ 您应该看一下-http: //www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/09/flash-vs-silverlight-what-suits-your-needs-best/

It has a great detail of the comparison of the two, with other references as well. 它非常详细地介绍了两者的比较,以及其他参考资料。

It would essentially depend on what you are building, to choose between the two. 从本质上来说,这取决于您要构建的内容,以便在两者之间进行选择。

In my experience, Flash/Flex almost always wins in the graphics rendering department except for a few different places since hardware acceleration is still in its infancy for Flash. 以我的经验,Flash / Flex几乎总是在图形渲染部门赢得胜利,除了几个不同的地方,因为Flash的硬件加速仍处于起步阶段。 And since Flash is frame based, it normally provides smoother animations and transitions. 由于Flash是基于帧的,因此通常可以提供更流畅的动画和过渡效果。

.NET will almost always win the computational side since it has threading and faster processing power. .NET具有线程化和更快的处理能力,因此几乎总是会赢得计算方面的支持。 It really depends what you're trying to do. 这实际上取决于您要执行的操作。 Flash/Flex was never really meant to be used as a computational powerhouse since that isn't what it was designed for. Flash / Flex从来没有真正打算用作计算功能强大的平台,因为那并不是设计目的。 It was made to be a UX centric tool to help users. 它以帮助用户的方式成为以UX为中心的工具。 With that said though, if you really need crazy performance, you can always offload it to a native process (separate .NET app that just calculates stuff) which in it's own way is kind of like having a thread since it's asynchronous. 话虽如此,如果您确实需要疯狂的性能,则可以始终将其卸载到本机进程(单独的.NET应用程序仅计算内容)中,因为它是异步的,所以它本身就像是一个线程。

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