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为什么我看不到Google App Engine中的最新日志

[英]Why I can't see up to date logs in Google App Engine

I have deployed a GAE/Java application and an error occurred when trying to access the application from web browser. 我已经部署了GAE / Java应用程序,尝试从Web浏览器访问该应用程序时发生了错误。 However when I checked the logs in appspot console, it's almost 2 hours old. 但是,当我检查appspot控制台中的日志时,它已经快2个小时了。 I cannot see the recent logs even after refreshing the page multiple times. 即使多次刷新页面,我也看不到最近的日志。

Are you sure you have selected the show 'All requests' option at the top of the logs page in the admin console? 您确定已在管理控制台的日志页面顶部选择了“显示所有请求”选项吗? By default it will only show 'Logs with minimum severity: error'. 默认情况下,它将仅显示“严重性最低的日志:错误”。

It goes wrong from time to time. 有时会出错。 The only thing(s) you can do are : 您唯一可以做的是:

1) Log a support issue (officially - this is the only thing you can do) 1)记录支持问题(正式-这是您唯一可以做的事情)

2) Join the IRC channel and see if anybody else is experiencing the same problem (sometimes the googlers hang out on here) 2)加入IRC频道,看看是否还有其他人遇到相同的问题(有时googlers会在这里闲逛)

3) Find the app engine developers on google+, twitter etc and prod them there (WARNING: It better be urgent to follow this route btw). 3)在google +,twitter等上找到应用引擎开发人员,然后在其中进行生产(警告:最好紧紧遵循此路线)。

4) Oh... make sure you are viewing the right "version" of the app in the log viewer too ! 4)哦,请确保您也在日志查看器中查看应用程序的正确“版本”!

You probably changed the major version name of the app when you deployed most recently, and now you're viewing logs for the old version. 您最近一次部署时可能已更改了应用程序的主要版本名称,现在您正在查看旧版本的日志。 Select the correct version from the pulldown in the top left. 从左上方的下拉菜单中选择正确的版本。

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