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[英]JavaScript click doesn't work the second time

I have a jQuery script to delete a message. 我有一个jQuery脚本来删除一条消息。 The first time I click the link everything works fine. 第一次单击链接时,一切正常。 I click the delete link and a confirm dialog appears. 我单击删除链接,然后出现confirm对话框。 Upon confirmation it redirects to another page and then back. 确认后,它将重定向到另一个页面,然后返回。 However, the second time I click the link nothing happens. 但是,第二次单击链接没有任何反应。

        var conf = confirm("Confirmation message"); 
        if(conf == true)
            return true;
            return false;

Click function must work every click event. 单击功能必须在每个单击事件中均有效。

I did it by not writing into $(document).ready(function(){}); 我是通过不写$(document).ready(function(){})来实现的;

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    var conf = confirm("Confirmation message"); 
    if(conf == true)
        return true;
        return false;

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