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[英]How the generate TreeView in asp.net?

Consider the following table. 请考虑下表。 It has 3 filed with the following data. 它有3个提交以下数据。 Now I want to show the data in TreeView Control in asp.net and c# I will select all the data in a DataTable. 现在我想在asp.net中的TreeView Control中显示数据,c#我将选择DataTable中的所有数据。

category_id category_name   parents_id
1           Root            NULL
2           Teacher         1
3           Student         1
4           TeacherA        2
5           TeacherB        2
6           TeacherC        2
7           StudentA        3
8           StudentB        3
9           StudentC        3

I recently posted some code on Code Review which answers this question. 我最近在Code Review上发布了一些代码来回答这个问题。 Here it is below, slightly modified for your table. 它在下面,略微修改为您的表。 I have tried to meet your needs by using a DataTable as the input, but I haven't used DataTables with LINQ before so you may need to edit slightly. 我已经尝试通过使用DataTable作为输入来满足您的需求,但我之前没有将DataTables与LINQ一起使用,因此您可能需要稍微编辑。

public TreeNode GenerateCategoriesTree(DataTable dt) {
  var s = new Stack<TreeNodeAndId>();
  var categories = dt.AsEnumerable();
  var rootCategory = categories.Single(o => o.Field<int?>("parents_id") == null);
  var rootNode = new TreeNode(rootCategory["category_name"].ToString(), rootCategory["category_id"].ToString());
  s.Push(new TreeNodeAndId { Id = Convert.ToInt32(rootCategory["category_id"]), TreeNode = rootNode });
  while (s.Count > 0) {
    var node = s.Peek();
    var current = categories.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Field<int?>("parents_id") == node.Id);
    if (current == null) {
    var child = new TreeNode(current["category_name"].ToString(), current["category_id"].ToString());
    s.Push(new TreeNodeAndId { Id = Convert.ToInt32(current["category_id"]), TreeNode = child });
  return rootNode;

struct TreeNodeAndId
  public TreeNode TreeNode;
  public int? Id;

If this doesn't build then at least I hope it will point you in the right direction. 如果这不构建那么至少我希望它会指出你正确的方向。

Here are some useful tips for you: for implementing tree view using asp.net and c# 以下是一些有用的提示:使用asp.net和c#实现树视图

NOte: I did not implement and did not use your datatable data here .... NOte:我没有实现,也没有在这里使用你的数据表数据....

  • TreeView control expects a heirarchical data structure, so we cant bind the DataTable to menu directly. TreeView控件需要一个层次结构数据结构,因此我们无法直接将DataTable绑定到菜单。

  • Use data table Select where ParentID = ID 使用数据表选择ParentID = ID的位置

  • Please use a recursive method to create child items relevent to current menu item ID 请使用递归方法创建与当前菜单项ID相关的子项

  • Here is an working example that you may use to transfer your ralational data structure (TABLE) to hierarchical data structure (TREE) using the relationship between ParentID and ID 下面是一个工作示例,您可以使用ParentID和ID之间的关系将您的平台数据结构(TABLE)传输到分层数据结构(TREE)

     <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <script runat="server"> protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if (!this.IsPostBack) this.AddNodes(this.trvCategories.Nodes, 0, this.LoadData()); } private void AddNodes(TreeNodeCollection nodes, int level, System.Data.DataTable dt) { string filterExp = string.Format("ParentID='{0}'", level); foreach (System.Data.DataRow r in dt.Select(filterExp)) { TreeNode item = new TreeNode() { Text = r[1].ToString(), Value = r[2].ToString() }; this.AddNodes(item.ChildNodes, int.Parse(r[0].ToString()), dt); nodes.Add(item); } } private System.Data.DataTable LoadData() { /// /// For the simplicity I do build the datatable dynamically, /// But you may get this data from the DATABASE /// System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ID", String.Empty.GetType()); dt.Columns.Add("[Name]", String.Empty.GetType()); dt.Columns.Add("[Value]", String.Empty.GetType()); dt.Columns.Add("ParentID", String.Empty.GetType()); dt.Columns.Add("[Order]", String.Empty.GetType()); int index = 9; for (int i = 0; i < 1100; i++) { string item = "{0},Item{1},Value{1},{2},{1}"; if (i < 110) { index = i < 10 ? 0 : int.Parse(Math.Ceiling((decimal)i / 10).ToString()); dt.Rows.Add((string.Format(item, i + 1, i, index)).Split(char.Parse(","))); } else { if (i % 10 == 0) index++; dt.Rows.Add((string.Format(item, i + 1, i, index)).Split(char.Parse(","))); } } return dt; } 

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