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[英]Reloading windows form without closing and reopening

I have an windows forms application written in c#. 我有一个用c#编写的Windows窗体应用程序。 I want to reload form when someone press the "clear" button in it. 当有人按下“清除”按钮时,我想重新加载表单。 But I couldn't achieve to call Load event.These lines didn't also work : 但我无法实现调用Load事件。这些行也不起作用:

  this.Load +=new EventHandler(Grafik_Load); // 'Grafik' is the name of the form.

What should I do about this? 我该怎么办? Thanks for helping.. 谢谢你帮忙..

将'load'代码放在一个单独的函数中,并从您自己的代码/ Load事件处理程序中调用该函数。

        private void callonload()
          //code which u wrriten on load event
        private void Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btn_clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

i found that the hide/show, the show part creates another instance of the same form, so I better dispose the current one, create a new instance of it, and show it. 我发现hide / show,show部分创建了同一个表单的另一个实例,所以我最好配置当前的一个,创建它的新实例,并显示它。

Grafik objFrmGrafik = new Grafik (); 
objFrmGrafik .Show();

Home is MDI-Form name. Home是MDI-Form名称。 i have tested it. 我测试过了。

            home sd = new home();
//it is a good idea to use the 'sender' object when calling the form load method 
//because doing so will let you determine if the sender was a button click or something else...

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //you may want to reset any global variables or any other 
    //housekeeping before calling the form load method 
    Form1_Load(sender, e);

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (sender is Button)
         //the message box will only show if the sender is a button
         MessageBox.Show("You Clicked a button");

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