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[英]Is it possible to run different php versions for different virtual hosts?

On my server I run different versions of various CMS (: Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal) because of customizations that prevent to update them all to the latest version. 在我的服务器上,我运行了各种版本的CMS(:Joomla,Wordpress,Drupal),这是因为自定义功能阻止了将它们全部更新为最新版本。 For Drupal 7.x I would like to run php 5.3 while the other sites are fine with php 5.2. 对于Drupal 7.x,我想运行php 5.3,而其他站点都可以使用php 5.2。 Is there any way to configure apache in such a way so that the virtual hosts that run the Drupal 7 are with php 5.3? 有没有什么方法可以配置Apache,使运行Drupal 7的虚拟主机使用php 5.3?

# Per VirtualHost Config 
<VirtualHost *:80> 
 DocumentRoot /Apache22/htdocs/fcgi 
 ServerName fcgi.local 
 ErrorLog logs/fcgi.error.log 
 CustomLog logs/fcgi.access.log common 
 <Directory "/Apache22/htdocs/fcgi"> 
     SetEnv PHPRC "c:/php" 
     AddHandler fcgid-script .php 
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI 
     FcgidWrapper "C:/php/php-cgi.exe" .php 

     AllowOverride all 
     Order allow,deny 
     Allow from all 
     Satisfy any 

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