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[英]MarkupBuilder Rendering From String

I'm using MarkupBuilder to render some HTML from a taglib like so (stripped down for clarity): 我正在使用MarkupBuilder从taglib渲染一些HTML,如下所示(为了清晰起见,将其删除):

def formContainer = new MarkupBuilder(out)
formConainer.form() {
   input() { }
   input() { }

Now assume that somewhere inside the form() I want to pull in some elements specified by a user so in a file on the file system I have something like this (again, simplified)... 现在假设在form()内的某个地方,我想插入用户指定的某些元素,因此在文件系统上的文件中,我有类似的内容(再次简化)。

select() {

My question is, if I read that select in as a String, is there a way for the taglib to parse it as groovy and make it part of the MarkupBuilder instance? 我的问题是,如果我读到select in in a String,taglib是否有一种方法可以将其解析为Groovy并将其作为MarkupBuilder实例的一部分?

def formContainer = new MarkupBuilder(out)
formConainer.form() {
   input() { }
   input() { }

   // I want the select to render here

One method for doing this would be: 一种这样做的方法是:

String externalMarkup = '''
select() {
def out = new StringWriter()

def formContainer = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder( out )
formContainer.form() {

   // Wrap the string in { -> ... } to make it a closure, and evaluate it
   def extern = new GroovyShell().evaluate( "{ it-> ${externalMarkup} }" )
   // Set the delegate of this closure to the MarkupWriter
   extern.delegate = formContainer
   // Then execute the closure
println out.toString()

However, this feels brittle to me... 但是,这让我感到脆弱...

A better method might be to use the GroovyTemplateEngine to inject your values into a formatted complete bit of markup 更好的方法可能是使用GroovyTemplateEngine将值注入格式化的完整标记中

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