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iOS3,iOS4,xibbed UIViewController并显示数据

[英]iOS3, iOS4, xibbed UIViewController and displaying data

I'm writing an app that will run on iOS3.0 and up. 我正在编写一个将在iOS3.0及更高版本上运行的应用程序。

The app has a custom UIViewController (say), which I'm instantiating from a .xib file. 该应用程序有一个自定义UIViewController (例如),我是从.xib文件实例化的。 It's view comprises a single UILabel , which I've correctly declared and synthesized etc. in my custom UIViewController header and implementation files. 它的视图包含一个UILabel ,我已经在我的自定义UIViewController标头和实现文件中正确声明和合成了类似内容。

I'd like to set the text of this UILabel dynamically, and for it to be shown to the user by the time my UIViewController appears. 我想动态设置此UILabel的文本,并在UIViewController出现时将其显示给用户。 For sake of argument please assume the text setting method is expensive. 为了便于讨论,请假设文本设置方法昂贵。

The catch is on iOS3.0 with my UIViewController at least, -(id)initWithNibName:(NSString *) aNibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *) aNibBundleOrNil returns before -(void)viewDidLoad does, but on my iOS4.0 device it's the other way around. 在iOS3.0上,我的UIViewController至少是个问题, -(id)initWithNibName:(NSString *) aNibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *) aNibBundleOrNil-(void)viewDidLoad之前返回,但是在我的iOS4.0设备上是另一个的方式。 The text label can therefore be nil when I don't want it to be. 因此,当我不希望使用文本标签时,它可以为nil

Thus, I don't know where I can set the text in such a way as to keep both iOS3.0 and iOS4.0 happy. 因此,我不知道在哪里可以设置文本以保持iOS3.0和iOS4.0都满意。

Any advice here? 有什么建议吗?

Can you please explain how your label comes out to be nil? 您能解释一下您的标签是如何变成零的吗?

If you have taken an outlet for the label, then in either case, in the - (void)viewDidLoad method it cannot be nil, provided the label outlet is properly connected in the xib file. 如果为标签取了一个插座,则无论哪种情况,在- (void)viewDidLoad方法中,只要在xib文件中正确连接了标签插座,就不能为nil。

If you have not taken the label outlet and doing it by code, then instantiate the label again in - (void)viewDidLoad method and set its text right over there and then add it to the view controller's view. 如果您尚未取出标签出口并通过代码进行处理,请在- (void)viewDidLoad方法中再次实例化标签,并在该位置设置其文本,然后将其添加到视图控制器的视图中。

For more information - read the - (void)viewDidLoad and - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundle method in the UIViewController class reference 有关更多信息-请阅读UIViewController类参考中的- (void)viewDidLoad- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundle方法

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