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[英]C# Expression Tree Binding

So what I am trying to do is use expression trees to apply a predicate to each value in a collection (read map or list.All(predicate)). 所以我想做的是使用表达式树将谓词应用于集合中的每个值(读取映射或list.All(predicate))。 It appears that I am not getting the input parameter to the predicate bound to the value supplied by All, and I'm a little stuck. 看来我没有使输入参数绑定到All提供的值的谓词,而且我有些困惑。 Here is the code (using linqpad) that I am working with:: 这是我正在使用的代码(使用linqpad):

public class SomeType
  public IEnumerable<bool> Collection { get; set; }

void Main()
  var list = new SomeType {
    Collection = new List<bool> { true, true, true }
  var functor = Compiler((SomeType t) => t.Collection, (bool x) => x);

MethodInfo FindMethod<TInput>(Type location, string name)
    var handle = location
        .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
        .Where(method => method.Name == name).First();

    return handle.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TInput));

Predicate<TObject> Compiler<TObject, TProperty>(
    Expression<Func<TObject, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> selector, 
    Expression<Predicate<TProperty>> predicate)
    var query = FindMethod<TProperty>(typeof(Enumerable), "All");
    var expression = Expression.Call(query,
        new Expression[] {
            Expression.Invoke(selector, selector.Parameters),
            Expression.Lambda<Func<TProperty, bool>>(predicate.Body,

    return Expression.Lambda<Predicate<TObject>>(expression,

Thanks and sorry if this was answered in another question (I looked for a while). 谢谢,很抱歉,如果在另一个问题中回答了这个问题(我花了一段时间)。

This does work, but I had to change the Predicate<TObject> to Func<TObject, bool> . 确实可以,但是我不得不将Predicate<TObject>更改为Func<TObject, bool> If you want I can try to change it back. 如果您愿意,我可以尝试将其改回。

static Predicate<TObject> Compiler<TObject, TProperty>(
    Expression<Func<TObject, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> selector,
    Expression<Func<TProperty, bool>> predicate)
    var query = FindMethod<TProperty>(typeof(Enumerable), "All");
    var expression = Expression.Call(
        Expression.Invoke(selector, selector.Parameters), 

    return Expression
        .Lambda<Predicate<TObject>>(expression, selector.Parameters)

5 minutes later... And if you really want to use Predicate<TObject> ... 5分钟后...如果您真的想使用Predicate<TObject> ...

static Predicate<TObject> Compiler<TObject, TProperty>(
    Expression<Func<TObject, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> selector,
    Expression<Predicate<TProperty>> predicate)
    var query = FindMethod<TProperty>(typeof(Enumerable), "All");

    var predicateAsFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<TProperty, bool>>(

    var expression = Expression.Call(
        Expression.Invoke(selector, selector.Parameters), 

    return Expression
        .Lambda<Predicate<TObject>>(expression, selector.Parameters)

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