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[英]Delete files and folders by date using SHFileOperation

I'm trying to write a program that will delete a set of files/folders that are matching a specific naming pattern (wild cards) based on their dates using the windows API 我正在尝试编写一个程序,该程序将使用Windows API根据日期删除一组与特定命名模式(通配符)匹配的文件/文件夹


    SHFILEOPSTRUCT shFileOpStruct = {
            .hwnd   = NULL,
            .wFunc  = processByDate->op,
            .pTo    = NULL,

    buildReferenceDate( &refTime, processByDate->nDays );
    hFind = FindFirstFile( processByDate->srcFileName, &findFileData );
    errorCode = GetLastError();

    while ( errorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
        LONG res = CompareFileTime( &refTime, &findFileData.ftCreationTime );

        if ( (processByDate->nDays ^ res) > 0 ) {
            sprintf( strrchr(processByDate->srcFileName, '\\') + 1, "%s%c",
                                             findFileData.cFileName, '\0');
            shFileOpStruct.pFrom = processByDate->srcFileName;
            fprintf( stdout, "\n%s\n", shFileOpStruct.pFrom);
            fprintf( stdout, "\n0x%x\n", SHFileOperation( &shFileOpStruct ));
        FindNextFile( hFind, &findFileData );
        errorCode = GetLastError();

    if ( errorCode != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )
        displayError ( stdout, errorCode );


Only the first matching file is deleted, because FindNextFile terminates with "The handle is invalid." 仅删除第一个匹配的文件,因为FindNextFile终止于“句柄无效”。 apparently SHFileOperation somehow invalidates the file handle (or at least so I suppose). 显然SHFileOperation以某种方式使文件句柄无效(或者至少我想如此)。 The only solution I can think of is to save the name of the matching files/folders and delete them one by one. 我能想到的唯一解决方案是保存匹配文件/文件夹的名称,然后逐个删除它们。 Is there any other simpler solution? 还有其他更简单的解决方案吗?

Thanks 谢谢

    FindNextFile( hFind, &findFileData );
    errorCode = GetLastError();

That's wrong. 错了 Only call GetLastError() when you get a FALSE return from FindNextFile(). 当您从FindNextFile()获得FALSE返回值时, 调用GetLastError()。 Fix: 固定:

    if (!FindNextFile( hFind, &findFileData ) {
        errorCode = GetLastError();

The thread's last error code is not set when a function succeeds. 函数成功时未设置线程的最后一个错误代码。 Instead of calling GetLastError , you have to check the return value of FindNextFile . 不必调用GetLastError ,而必须检查FindNextFile的返回值。

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero and the lpFindFileData parameter contains information about the next file or directory found. 如果函数成功,则返回值为非零,并且lpFindFileData参数包含有关找到的下一个文件或目录的信息。

If the function fails, the return value is zero and the contents of lpFindFileData are indeterminate. 如果函数失败,则返回值为零,并且lpFindFileData的内容不确定。

FindNextFile function FindNextFile函数

The loop should look like this: 循环应如下所示:

HANDLE handle(FindFirstFile(...));
        // filter files here
    while (FindNextFile(handle, ...));

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