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[英]In Rails, how do you get a variable that holds a database field name into a condition?

The following controller code doesn't work. 以下控制器代码不起作用。 Is there a way? 有办法吗?

@m = "jan"
@teams = Team.find(:all, :conditions => ["@m = ?", true], :order => "name asc")

thanks. 谢谢。

如果使用Rails 3.x

@teams = Team.where(@m => true).order("name asc").all

You need to interpolate the string! 您需要插入字符串!

@m = "jan"
@teams = Team.find(:all, :conditions => ["#{@m} = ?", true], :order => "name asc")

And by the way, database queries when checking for booleans should use the IS operator 顺便说一下,检查布尔值时的数据库查询应使用IS运算符

@m = "jan"
@teams = Team.find(:all, :conditions => ["#{@m} IS ?",true], :order => "name asc")


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