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[英]Displaying XIB on UIView!How can i set it?


a UIView interface built in a XIB can be displayed by linking that XIB with a UIViewController. 可以通过将该XIB与UIViewController链接来显示在XIB中构建的UIView接口。

Check out the Apple documentation About Windows and Views . 查看Apple文档关于Windows和视图

And you can see how a XIB is set up just by creating a new project in XCode and choosing "Single View Application" as a template. 您只需在XCode中创建一个新项目并选择“Single View Application”作为模板,就可以看到如何设置XIB。 If you're using XCode 4.2, the "MainStoryboard.storyboard" file appears to be the new name for a XIB file. 如果您使用的是XCode 4.2,则“MainStoryboard.storyboard”文件似乎是XIB文件的新名称。

Which reminds me I should go check out the WWDC session online that talks about this -- and you should too. 这让我想起我应该去看看在线WWDC会议上讨论这个问题 - 你也应该这样做。 If you're a registered developer, it's free to check out! 如果您是注册开发人员,可以免费查看! My educated guess is that the "Designing User Interfaces for iOS and Mac OS X Apps" session (at https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011/?id=110 ) is the one you want to see. 我有根据的猜测是,“为iOS和Mac OS X应用程序设计用户界面”会话( https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011/?id=110 )是您想要查看的内容。

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