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[英]Port iPhone app to iPad as a view

Is there an easy way to go about this? 有一个简单的方法可以解决这个问题吗? My iPhone app is in a UITabBarController and every attempt I've made at this so far just results in the app crashing or the tab bar taking up the whole window. 我的iPhone应用程序位于UITabBarController中,到目前为止,我所做的任何尝试都只会导致应用程序崩溃或选项卡栏占据整个窗口。 I'd just like to be able to have my iPhone app in a 320x480 view. 我希望能够以320x480的视图显示iPhone应用程序。

The iPad has a larger screen, which means you have to redesign your app to compensate for the new larger screen, I would not recommend having an app that only uses part of the screen, and I dont know if the reviewers at apple would really like that. iPad具有更大的屏幕,这意味着您必须重新设计应用程序以补偿新的更大的屏幕,我不建议您使用仅使用部分屏幕的应用程序,而且我不知道苹果的评论者是否真的愿意那。 When an iPhone app is on the app store users can download the app onto an iPad and the iPad will show that app in a kind of simulator. 当iPhone应用程序在应用程序商店中时,用户可以将其下载到iPad上,iPad会在一种模拟器中显示该应用程序。 Users expect that to happen, users dont expect apps for an iPad to only use a fraction of the screen. 用户期望这种情况发生,用户不希望iPad的应用仅使用屏幕的一小部分。

Neil Inglis has written up an easy trick for porting an iPhone app to iPad. 尼尔·英格利斯(Neil Inglis)编写了一个简单的技巧,可以将iPhone应用程序移植到iPad。 The key thing is that an iPhone app, set up for retina display has an almost iPad resolution. 关键是为视网膜显示屏设置的iPhone应用程序几乎具有iPad分辨率。 With a little adornment you can do an easy port that looks good. 稍加装饰,您就可以轻松完成外观。

Have a look at his blog entry "A little trick for producing a super quick iPad port" . 看看他的博客文章“生产超快速iPad端口的小技巧”

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