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[英]How can I include Javascript script tags in my Ajax request?

I'm using MooTools 1.4. 我正在使用MooTools 1.4。 How do I dynamically include script tags on my page? 如何在页面上动态包含脚本标签? The response from the Ajax requset below is supposed to contain tags ... 来自以下Ajax requset的响应应该包含标签...

window.addEvent('domready', function() {
    $('submit').addEvent('click', function(event) {
        var filename = $('filename').value;
        //prevent the page from changing
        //make the ajax call
        var req = new Request({
            method: 'get',
            url: 'renderpage?id=' + escape(filename),
            data: { },
            evalScripts: true,
            onRequest: function() { 
                // on request
            onComplete: function(response) {
                // Add the Ajax call where we save the data.

But when I look at the response, they are getting stripped out. 但是,当我查看响应时,它们就被剥夺了。 I would like them included and evaluated. 我希望将它们包括在内并进行评估。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Use Request.HTML . 使用Request.HTML

    var req = new Request.HTML({
        url: 'renderpage?id=' + escape(filename),
        update: $('content'),
        onRequest: function() { 
            // on request

You could return the entire response as JS, and eval the response; 您可以将整个响应作为JS返回,并评估响应;

Then you can set the html to some variable in the response, like 然后,您可以将html设置为响应中的某个变量,例如

var new_html='(html)';

Then you can do this 那你可以做


The parameters passed to onComplete are: 传递给onComplete的参数为:

nodeTree, xhr, responseHTML, responseScripts

So: 所以:

new Request.HTML({
  // ...
  onComplete : function(nodeTree, xhr, responseHTML, responseScripts) {


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