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无法使用chrome devtools从Eclipse运行Node.js调试

[英]Can't run node.js debug from eclipse using chrome devtools

I'm trying to run node.js debug under Ubuntu with Eclipse: 3.7.1, Chromium JS Debugger 0.3 and node.js 4.12 (stable). 我正在尝试使用Eclipse在Ubuntu下运行node.js调试:3.7.1,Chromium JS Debugger 0.3和node.js 4.12(稳定)。

I installed and configured debug as described on https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Using-Eclipse-as-Node-Applications-Debugger . 我按照https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Using-Eclipse-as-Node-Applications-Debugger所述安装和配置了调试程序。

I run my node app with --debug, then I run debug in eclipse, I see it connects to the debug port but then it crashes with message " An internal error occurred during: "Launching Node 5858". java.lang.NullPointerException " 我使用--debug运行我的节点应用程序,然后在eclipse中运行debug,我看到它连接到调试端口,但随后崩溃,并显示消息“ 在运行期间发生内部错误:“启动节点5858”。java.lang.NullPointerException

Communication looks like: 交流看起来像:

Received from Chrome: Type: connect V8-Version: Protocol-Version: 1 Embedding-Host: node v0.4.12 Content-Length: 0 从Chrome收到:类型:connect V8版本:协议版本:1 Embedding-Host:节点v0.4.12 Content-Length:0

end of message 讯息结尾

Sent to Chrome: 发送到Chrome:

end of message 讯息结尾

Content-Length:46 内容长度:46

{"seq":3,"type":"request","command":"version"} {“ seq”:3,“类型”:“请求”,“命令”:“版本”}

end of message 讯息结尾

Received from Chrome: 从Chrome收到:

Content-Length: 135 内容长度:135

{"seq":2,"request_seq":3,"type":"response","command":"version","success":true,"body":{"V8Version":""},"refs":[],"running":true} {“ seq”:2,“ request_seq”:3,“ type”:“ response”,“ command”:“ version”,“ success”:true,“ body”:{“ V8Version”:“”} ,“ refs”:[],“ running”:true}

end of message 讯息结尾

I think you should report the problem, since it deals with exception (clearly a bug). 我认为您应该报告该问题,因为它处理异常(显然是错误)。

Here's instruction: http://code.google.com/p/chromedevtools/wiki/HowToReportProblem 指示如下: http : //code.google.com/p/chromedevtools/wiki/HowToReportProblem

It also covers how to get the the NullPointerException stacktrace which is probably the most valuable piece of data here. 它还介绍了如何获取NullPointerException堆栈跟踪,该堆栈跟踪可能是此处最有价值的数据。


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