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[英]Selecting top result from SQL

This is i think a simple problem but i can't seem to solve it. 我认为这是一个简单的问题,但我似乎无法解决。

I want to select the newest result from a table and join it with a single element in another table. 我想从一个表中选择最新的结果,并将其与另一个表中的单个元素结合在一起。

To put it better, here's a simple schema: 更好地说,这是一个简单的架构:

Table 1 - Person
personId -PK - INT - AUTO ID
name - VARCHAR

Table 2 - Event
eventId - PK - INT - AUTO ID
personId - FK
timestamp  - DATETIME
event - ENUM ('Went Out', 'Came back')

What I'd like to do is return a list of all people and the latest action each person performed 我想做的是返回所有人列表以及每个人执行的最新操作

Example Result: 结果示例:

name| 名称| personId | personId | timestamp | 时间戳| eventId | eventId | event 事件

bob | 鲍勃 1 | 1 | 2011-08-7 3 | 2011-08-7 3 | 'went out' '出去'

I did a simple query joining the two tables and then did a group by personId and order by timestamp but the result that was returned was always the first action for the person, not their latest. 我做了一个简单的查询,将两个表连接在一起,然后按personId和按时间戳顺序进行了分组,但是返回的结果始终是该人的第一个操作,而不是他们的最新操作。

Any Ideas? 有任何想法吗?

SELECT p.name, p.personId, e.timestamp, e.eventId, e.event
FROM person p
  INNER JOIN Event e 
    ON e.eventId = 
      ( SELECT MAX(eventId)
        FROM Event 
        WHERE personId = p.personId 
        GROUP BY personId 
        LIMIT 1 )

OR 要么

SELECT p.Name, p.ID, me.timestamp, me.ID, me.event
FROM person p
            SELECT id, timestamp, event
            FROM Event 
            WHERE personId = p.ID               
            ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1
           ) me
ON p.ID = me.id

PS: sorry but can't test both queries right now PS:对不起,但现在无法测试两个查询

FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2 ON t2.PersonId = t1.PersonID
              MAX(TimeStamp) as LastEventDateTime
            FROM Table2 
            GROUP BY PersonID) LE 
  ON LE.PersonID = t2.PersonID 
    AND LE.LastEventDateTime = t2.TimeStamp

you'd want to do an 你想做一个

ORDER by `timestamp` DESC

(desc from descending) to get the highest timestamp value instead of the lowest (从降序开始递减)以获取最高的时间戳记值,而不是最低的

The ANSI standard way would be: ANSI标准方式为:

select name, personid, timestamp, eventid, event
from person
join event on event.personid=person.personid
  and event.timestamp=(select max(timestamp) from event e2
                       where e2.personid=person.personid)

I haven't used MySQL in a while and I don't have an installation handy, but you might get what you want with: 我已经有一段时间没有使用MySQL了,也没有安装方便的工具,但是您可能会得到想要的东西:

select name, personid, timestamp, eventid, event
from person
join event on event.personid=person.personid
group by personid
order by personid, timestamp desc

It's non-standard because by the standard, anything in the select must be in the group-by or be an aggregate, and here we don't want to do either. 这是非标准的,因为按照标准,选择中的所有内容都必须在分组依据中或为集合,在这里我们都不希望这样做。 But as I recall MySQL doesn't require that, so I'd give this a whirl and see what happens. 但是,正如我记得MySQL并不需要那样,所以我会旋转一下,看看会发生什么。

An alternative solution, making use of a covered key, assumes that order by Id would yield the same results as order by timestamp 一种使用覆盖键的替代解决方案,假定order by Id将产生与order by timestamp相同的结果

SELECT p.Name, p.ID, me.timestamp, me.ID, me.event
FROM person p
      SELECT personId, MAX(ID) id 
      FROM Event 
      WHERE personId = p.ID               
      GROUP BY personId
     ) me
ON p.ID = me.id

Order by timestamp is more natural and probably safer, but this is quicker. Order by timestamp更自然,也可能更安全,但这更快。

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