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[英]ASP.Net Accessing child controls in a FormView control

I'm using a FormView control (myFormView) with an EditItemTemplate which contains a number of child controls. 我正在使用带有EditItemTemplate的FormView控件(myFormView),该控件包含许多子控件。 When I use a standard ASP.Net DropDownList control (myDropList), I can obtain a reference to myDropList using the line below: 当我使用标准ASP.Net DropDownList控件(myDropList)时,可以使用下面的行获取对myDropList的引用:


I can full access the properties of the myDropList and obtain the value currently selected. 我可以完全访问myDropList的属性并获取当前选择的值。 This is great. 这很棒。

However, I now need to use a 3rd party child control (FreeTextBox as found here http://www.freetextbox.com ) in the FormView control. 但是,我现在需要在FormView控件中使用第3方子控​​件(在此处可以找到FreeTextBox, 网址http://www.freetextbox.com )。 I've called the FreeTextBox control myFTB and I'm using a similar statement as above: 我已经将FreeTextBox控件称为myFTB,并且使用的是上面类似的语句:


However, this returns null and thus I'm enable to retrieve property values for this. 但是,此方法返回null,因此可以检索此属性值。

Does anyone know why it is returning null? 有谁知道为什么它返回null? Is there some other way to retrieve the reference to the control? 还有其他方法可以检索对控件的引用吗?


You will need to use recursion to find the control in the controls hierarchy. 您将需要使用递归在控件层次结构中找到控件。

Try using the following method: 尝试使用以下方法:

FreeTextBox textBox = (FreeTextBox)FindControl(myFormView, "myFTB");


private Control FindControl(Control parent, string id)
    foreach (Control child in parent.Controls)
        string childId = string.Empty;
        if (child.ID != null)
            childId = child.ID;

        if (childId.ToLower() == id.ToLower())
            return child;
            if (child.HasControls())
                Control response = FindControl(child, id);
                if (response != null)
                    return response;

    return null;

you can do like this to find controls in form view .... 您可以像这样在窗体视图中查找控件。

NOte: The below code find the all text boxes inside the form view control 注意:以下代码在窗体视图控件中找到所有文本框

 protected void FormView1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (FormView1.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit)

 private void FindAllTextBoxes(Control parent)
        foreach (Control c in parent.Controls)
            if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox")
                TextBox tbox = c as TextBox;
                if (tbox != null)
                    // textbox found ....you could send this textbox, by reference to another procedure that assigns the values comparing
                    //it by tbox.ID
            if (c.Controls.Count > 0)

I hope it will helps you.. 希望对您有帮助。

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