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[英]The Clean programming language in the real world?

Are there any real world applications written in the Clean programming language? 是否有任何用Clean编程语言编写的真实应用程序? Either open source or proprietary. 无论是开源还是专有。

This is not a direct answer, but when I checked last time (and I find the language very interesting) I didn't find anything ready for real-world. 这不是一个直接的答案,但是当我上次检查时(我发现语言非常有趣)我没有找到任何可用于现实世界的东西。

The idealist in myself always wants to try out new languagages, very hot on my list (apart from the aforementioned very cool Clean Language) is currently (random order) IO , Fan and Scala ... 我自己的理想主义者总是想尝试新的语言,我的名单上非常热门(除了前面提到的非常酷的清洁语言)目前(随机顺序) IOFanScala ......

But in the meantime I then get my pragmatism out and check the Tiobe Index . 但与此同时,我得到了实用主义,并检查了Tiobe指数 I know you can discuss it, but still: It tells me what I will be able to use in a year from now and what I possibly won't be able to use... 我知道你可以讨论它,但仍然:它告诉我从现在开始一年内我能用什么以及我可能无法使用的东西......

No pun intended! 没有双关语!

I am using Clean together with the iTasks library to build websites quite easy around workflows. 我正在使用Clean与iTasks库一起在工作流程中轻松构建网站。

But I guess another problem with Clean is the lack of documentation and examples: "the Clean book" is from quite a few years back, and a lot of new features don't get documented except for the papers they publish. 但我认为Clean的另一个问题是缺少文档和示例:“清洁书籍”是几年前发布的,除了他们发布的论文之外,很多新功能都没有记录。


As one of my professors at college has been involved in the creation of Clean, it was no shock he'd created a real world application. 正如我在大学的一位教授参与了Clean的创作,他创造了一个真实世界的应用程序并不令人震惊。 The rostering-program of our university was created entirely in Clean. 我们大学的排班计划完全由Clean创建。

The Clean IDE and the Clean compiler are written in Clean. Clean IDE和Clean编译器都是用Clean编写的。 ( http://wiki.clean.cs.ru.nl/Download_Clean ) http://wiki.clean.cs.ru.nl/Download_Clean

Cloogle , a search engine for Clean libraries, syntax, etc. (like Hoogle for Haskell) is written in Clean. Cloogle ,一个用于清理库,语法等的搜索引擎(如Hoogle for Haskell)是用Clean编写的。 Its source is on Radboud University's GitLab instance ( web frontend ; engine ). 它的来源是Radboud University的GitLab实例( Web前端 ; 引擎 )。

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