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[英]SQL - Exclude a row based on another value in the same table

The application in question is a classified site. 有问题的应用程序是一个机密站点。 I'm using a query to retrieve a value in a field called "cp_price" to generate a total value for all the listings in the system. 我正在使用查询来检索名为“ cp_price”的字段中的值,以生成系统中所有列表的总值。

My goal is to exclude all listings that have a value of "yes" in the "cp_ad_sold" field. 我的目标是排除 “ cp_ad_sold”字段中值为“是”的所有列表。

Here's the query I'm using to retrieve the values: 这是我用来检索值的查询:

$raw_prices = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "     
    SELECT pm.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS pm 
    LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS p ON p.ID = pm.post_id 
    WHERE p.post_type = 'ad_listing'
    AND p.ID = pm.post_id
    AND pm.meta_key = 'cp_price'
    " ) );

So, I am guessing I need to do a subselect? 因此,我我需要进行子选择吗?

I know that the key and respective value I need is stored in the postmeta table, right along with the "cp_price" field. 我知道我需要的键和相应的值与“ cp_price”字段一起存储在postmeta表中。 I also know that "cp_price" and "cp_ad_sold" share the same "post_id". 我也知道“ cp_price”和“ cp_ad_sold”共享相同的“ post_id”。

Question: How do I go about excluding the ad_listings and their respective cp_price value, based on a value of "yes" in the key of "cp_ad_sold"? 问题:如何根据关键字“ cp_ad_sold”中的“是”值来排除ad_listing及其相应的cp_price值?

Note: I'm using WordPress for this and considered posting the question over on the WordPress Stackexchange. 注意:我正在为此使用WordPress,并考虑将问题发布到WordPress Stackexchange上。 I figured this was a heavily SQL based question, though, and figured this was the most appropriate venue. 不过,我认为这是一个严重的基于SQL的问题,并且认为这是最合适的场所。

You may also want to add a condition to the WHERE clause - 您可能还想向WHERE子句添加条件-

$raw_prices = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "     
    SELECT pm.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS pm 
    LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS p ON p.ID = pm.post_id 
    WHERE p.post_type = 'ad_listing'
    AND p.ID = pm.post_id -- Do you really need it? Check LEFT JOIN ... ON clause
    AND pm.meta_key = 'cp_price'
    AND cp_ad_sold <> 'yes' -- Something like this
    " ) );

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