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[英]Use character string as function argument

I'm sure this is simple, but I cannot find a solution ... I would like to use a variable containing a character string as argument for a function.我确定这很简单,但我找不到解决方案......我想使用一个包含字符串的变量作为函数的参数。

x <- c(1:10)
myoptions <- "trim=0, na.rm=FALSE"

Now, something like现在,像

foo <- mean(x, myoptions)

should be the same as应该是一样的

foo <- mean(x, trim=0, na.rm=FALSE)

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!


foo <- eval(parse(text = paste("mean(x,", myoptions, ")")))

A more natural way to do what you want is to use do.call .做你想做的更自然的方法是使用do.call For example,例如,

R> l[["trim"]] = 0
R> l[["na.rm"]] = FALSE
R> l[["x"]] = 1:10
##Or l <- list(trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, x = 1:10)
R> do.call(mean, l)
 [1] 5.5

If for some reason you really want to use a myoptions string, you could always use strsplit to coarce it into a list form.如果由于某种原因你真的想使用一个myoptions字符串,你总是可以使用strsplit将它压缩成一个列表形式。 For example,例如,

R> y = "trim=0, na.rm=FALSE"
R> strsplit(y, ", ")
[1] "trim=0"      "na.rm=FALSE" 
R> strsplit(y, ", ")[[1]][1]
[1] "trim=0"

Here's a third answer that both uses parse , alist and do.call .这是第三个答案,它们都使用parsealistdo.call My motivation for this new answer, is in the case where arguments are passed interactively from a client-side as chars.我对这个新答案的动机是在参数作为字符从客户端以交互方式传递的情况下。 Then I guess, there is no good way around not using parse .然后我想,不使用parse没有什么好办法。 Suggested solution with strsplit , cannot understand the context whether a comma , means next argument or next argument within an argument.建议的strsplit解决方案,无法理解上下文是逗号,是指下一个参数还是参数中的下一个参数。 strsplit does not understand context as strsplit is not a parser. strsplit不理解上下文,因为strsplit不是解析器。

here arguments can be passed as "a=c(2,4), b=3,5" or list("c(a=(2,4)","b=3","5")这里的参数可以作为"a=c(2,4), b=3,5"list("c(a=(2,4)","b=3","5")传递

#' convert and evaluate a list of char args to a list of arguments
#' @param listOfCharArgs a list of chars 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myCharArgs = list('x=c(1:3,NA)',"trim=0","TRUE")
#' myArgs = callMeMaybe(myCharArgs)
#' do.call(mean,myArgs)
callMeMaybe2 = function(listOfCharArgs) {
  CharArgs = unlist(listOfCharArgs)
  if(is.null(CharArgs)) return(alist())
    .out = eval(parse(text = paste0("alist(",
      paste(parse(text=CharArgs),collapse = ","),")")))

myCharArgs = list('x=c(1:3,NA)',"trim=0","TRUE")
myArgs = callMeMaybe2(myCharArgs)
 [1] 2

Using all of do.call , eval and parse (combining kohske's and csgillespie's answers, and also WoDoSc's answer to 'Pass a comma separated string as a list' ):使用所有do.callevalparse (结合 kohske 和 csgillespie 的答案,以及WoDoSc 对“将逗号分隔的字符串作为列表传递”的回答):

x <- c(1:10)
myoptions <- "trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE"

  what = mean,
  args = append(list(x = x), eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", myoptions, ")"))))

This solution can be quite resilient in a more complex case, such as shown below.在更复杂的情况下,此解决方案可以非常灵活,如下所示。

myfn <- function(x, y = 0, z = 0, ...) {
  print(paste("x:", x))
  print(paste("y:", y))
  print(paste("z:", z))
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {

myextraargs <- paste(
  "y = c(11, 14), z = 47,",
  "t = data.frame(p = c('apple', 'plum'), j = c(7, 2), k = c(3, 21))"

  what = myfn,
  args = append(
    list(x = 7),
    eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", myextraargs, ")")))

results in:结果是:

[1] "x: 7"
[1] "y: 11" "y: 14"
[1] "z: 47"
[1] "other:"
      p j  k
1 apple 7  3
2  plum 2 21

...and... ...和...

myextraargs <- NULL

  what = myfn,
  args = append(
    list(x = 7),
    eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", myextraargs, ")")))

results in结果是

[1] "x: 7"
[1] "y: 0"
[1] "z: 0"

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