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[英]Configure keystore for soap web service in Glassfish - How to?

I been using Tomcat as application server for deploying my web services, using metro. 我一直使用Tomcat作为应用服务器来使用Metro部署Web服务。

  • I use Mutual Certificate authentication (Message Level Security). 我使用相互证书身份验证(消息级安全性)。
  • I created my own Credential Authority, Server key pair and Client key pair. 我创建了自己的证书颁发机构,服务器密钥对和客户端密钥对。
  • I have a 'wsit-.xml' file in my resources/META-INF folder with the WS-* configurations, including keystore and truststore location and password. 我的resources / META-INF文件夹中有一个ws-*。xml文件,其中包含WS- *配置,包括密钥库和信任库的位置和密码。

Everything works great! 一切正常!

But today I tried to create a new project but now for Glassfish (3.1.1). 但是今天我尝试创建一个新项目,但现在是为Glassfish(3.1.1)创建的。 using the same keystore, truststore and config file. 使用相同的密钥库,信任库和配置文件。 But now I receave an Exception: "Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors". 但是现在我收到一个异常:“路径未与任何信任锚链接在一起”。

  • It is possible to use the keystore in the project instead of one from Glassfish? 是否可以在项目中使用密钥库而不是Glassfish的密钥库?
  • If not, how do I configure my key pair in glassfish? 如果没有,如何在glassfish中配置我的密钥对?

Appars that Glassfish doesn't use the wsit configuration files, so the keys in the project. 似乎Glassfish不使用wsit配置文件,因此项目中的键。

It is necessary to add your key-pair to keystore.jks in conf folder in the domain directory. 必须将您的密钥对添加到域目录中conf文件夹中的keystore.jks中。 Also the is a cacerts.jks, where you need to add the certificates you would put in your truststore. 另外,还有cacerts.jks,您需要在其中添加要放入信任库中的证书。

You need to condigure the domain.xml and add under the soap section, the configuration for youe key alias. 您需要配置domain.xml并在soap部分下添加您的密钥别名的配置。

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