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[英]Change background colour of TextBlock in C#

Currently porting an application to Windows Phone 7 I've encountered a problem that should be trivial 当前将应用程序移植到Windows Phone 7时,我遇到了一个小问题

All I want is change the background colour of a TextBlock. 我想要的只是更改TextBlock的背景颜色。 Using the WYSIWYG I can easily create a TextBlock, change the foreground and background colour. 使用所见即所得,我可以轻松创建TextBlock,更改前景色和背景色。 So for a TextBlock using white text on black background I would use: 因此,对于在黑色背景上使用白色文本的TextBlock,我将使用:

<TextBox Height="148" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="106,0,0,0" Name="textBox1" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" Background="Black" BorderBrush="Black" Foreground="White" />

But I need to do it in code (C#) and the Background doesn't appear to be a property of TextBlock. 但是我需要在代码(C#)中执行此操作,并且Background似乎不是TextBlock的属性。 How come it's something you can do using the resource editor, but not in code? 您怎么能使用资源编辑器来完成某件事,而不能使用代码呢?

I've found various similar questions, but no definitive answer. 我发现了各种类似的问题,但没有明确的答案。 In Microsoft documentation (.Net), TextBlock does appear to have a Background property 在Microsoft文档(.Net)中,TextBlock确实具有Background属性

Is there a way to do this in code without having to put the TextBlock inside a container (like Grid) which does have the Background property? 有没有一种方法可以在代码中执行此操作而不必将TextBlock放入具有Background属性的容器(如Grid)中? Thanks JY 谢谢JY

TextBlock is not inherited from Control , it doesn't have a Background property. TextBlock不是从Control继承的,它没有Background属性。 The code you are showing is a TextBox not a TextBlock . 您显示的代码是TextBox而不是TextBlock TextBox inherites from Control and has a Background property. TextBox继承自Control并具有Background属性。 The simplest way is to wrap it with a Panel , or you can create a custom control for it. 最简单的方法是用Panel包装它,或者您可以为其创建自定义控件。

Also, in silverilght sdk, you have a control called Label and it is inherited from Control . 另外,在silverilght sdk中,您有一个名为Label的控件,它是从Control继承的。 You can probably get the source code from there and implement it in your project. 您可能可以从那里获取源代码并在您的项目中实现它。

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