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jQuery 1.6.1在Opera中破坏了背景

[英]jquery 1.6.1 ruins background in Opera

I just set up the Nivo Slider. 我刚刚设置了Nivo Slider。 At the first try everything was ok. 第一次尝试时一切正常。

But after several refreshes I noticed that background of html body ruins. 但是经过几次刷新后,我注意到html正文的背景已经毁了。

it makes 20px "white margin" from above, and for the bottom too. 它使上方和下方的像素均达到20px“白色边距”。 It "cuts" the background. 它“削减”了背景。 I opened the same page in IE8, FireFox, Chrome, Safari - everything looks great. 我在IE8,FireFox,Chrome,Safari中打开了同一页面-一切看起来都很不错。

When I turn on the Outline in Opera, everything fixes, when I turn off the outline and then refresh it breaks again. 当我在Opera中打开“大纲”时,所有问题都会修复,当我关闭大纲然后刷新时,它会再次中断。

I disabled the css of Nivoslider, though some css was breaking my design, but everything was bad. 我禁用了Nivoslider的CSS,尽管有些CSS破坏了我的设计,但一切都很糟糕。 and then disables jquery 1.6.1 and it fixed. 然后禁用jquery 1.6.1并修复它。

Why should something like that happen? 为什么会发生这种情况? any conflict? 有冲突吗?

You might try JQuery 1.6.4. 您可以尝试JQuery 1.6.4。 The 1.6 series of JQuery had multiple small bug fixes. JQuery的1.6系列有多个小错误修复。 1.6.4 is probably going to be the last in the series. 1.6.4可能是该系列的最后一部分。 Most likely it won't fix your problem, but it's worth a try. 它很可能无法解决您的问题,但是值得一试。

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