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[英]Calculate and print SHA256 hash of a file using OpenSSL

I'm trying to write a C function using OpenSSL/libcrypto to calculate the SHA256 sum of a file. 我正在尝试使用OpenSSL / libcrypto编写一个C函数来计算文件的SHA256总和。 I'm basing my code on Adam Lamer's c++ example here . 我在我的基础上亚当拉默的C ++示例代码在这里

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

int main (int argc, char** argv)
    char calc_hash[65];

    calc_sha256("file.txt", calc_hash);

int calc_sha256 (char* path, char output[65])
    FILE* file = fopen(path, "rb");
    if(!file) return -1;

    char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    SHA256_CTX sha256;
    const int bufSize = 32768;
    char* buffer = malloc(bufSize);
    int bytesRead = 0;
    if(!buffer) return -1;
    while((bytesRead = fread(buffer, 1, bufSize, file)))
        SHA256_Update(&sha256, buffer, bytesRead);
    SHA256_Final(hash, &sha256);

    sha256_hash_string(hash, output);
    return 0;

void sha256_hash_string (char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH], char outputBuffer[65])
    int i = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
        sprintf(outputBuffer + (i * 2), "%02x", hash[i]);

    outputBuffer[64] = 0;

The problem is this....take a look at the calculated sums below for an example file: 问题是这个....看一下示例文件的计算总和:

Known good SHA256: 6da032d0f859191f3ec46a89860694c61e65460d54f2f6760b033fa416b73866
Calc. by my code:  6dff32ffff59191f3eff6affff06ffff1e65460d54ffff760b033fff16ff3866

I also get * stack smashing detected * when the code is finished executing. 当代码执行完毕后,我也会检测到* stack smashing *。

Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? 有谁看到我做错了什么?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Looks like there are a lot of '0xff' blocks in your output, and the corresponding blocks in the good string have the high bit set ... maybe a sign extension problem somewhere. 看起来你的输出中有很多'0xff'块,并且好字符串中的相应块有高位设置...可能是某处的符号扩展问题。

Does making: 制作:

char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];

unsigned, like: 无符号的,如:

unsigned char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];

help? 救命? (Especially in the signature of sha256_hash_string .) (特别是在sha256_hash_string的签名中。)

You're printing out a signed char as an integer. 您将签名的 char打印为整数。 If the byte is negative, it get's converted to a signed int (the default argument promotions in the call to sprintf ), and then that gets converted to an unsigned int (via the %x format specifier) and printed out. 如果字节为负数,则将其转换为signed int (调用sprintf默认参数升级 ),然后将其转换为unsigned int (通过%x格式说明符)并打印出来。

So, the byte A0 is -96 as a signed byte, which gets converted to -96 as a signed int , which is 0xFFFFFFA0 in hex, so it gets printed out as FFFFFFA0. 因此,字节A0是-96作为有符号字节,它作为有signed int转换为-96,十六进制为0xFFFFFFA0,因此它打印为FFFFFFA0。

To fix this, case each byte to an unsigned char before printing: 要解决此问题,请在打印前将每个字节写入unsigned char

sprintf(..., (unsigned char)hash[i]);

You're getting the warning about stack smashing because there's a signed byte near the end of the hash, so you're writing the 8 bytes FFFFFFB7 at offset 58 when you intended to only write 2 bytes. 您收到有关堆栈粉碎的警告,因为在散列末尾附近有一个带符号的字节,因此当您打算只写2个字节时,您将在偏移58处写入8个字节的FFFFFFB7。 This results in a buffer overflow , which happens to be detected here because the compiler likely inserted a guard area or security cookie in the stack before the return value, and it detected that that guard area was inadvertently modified. 这导致缓冲区溢出 ,这恰好在这里被检测到,因为编译器可能在返回值之前在堆栈中插入了保护区域或安全cookie,并且它检测到该保护区域被无意修改。

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