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在Symfony2中,哪里是存储app wide参数的正确位置?

[英]In Symfony2 where is the correct place to store an app wide parameter?

I'd like to store a few application specific values for example: 我想存储一些特定于应用程序的值,例如:

  • a default Id number for a particular user choice if it's not set yet 特定用户选择的默认ID编号(如果尚未设置)
  • keys/tokens/secrets for various services API's like facebook or flickr 各种服务的密钥/令牌/秘密API,如facebook或flickr

Closest I've found so far is http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/bundles/best_practices.html#configuration 我到目前为止找到的最近的是http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/bundles/best_practices.html#configuration

If I used app/config/parameters.ini it would look like: 如果我使用app/config/parameters.ini它看起来像:

    callbackUrl = http://example.com/approve
    requestTokenUrl = http://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/request_token
    consumerKey = 123a1237a29b123a5541232e0279123

    default_layout = 2

these should be available in different bundles and also in templates 这些应该在不同的包中以及模板中提供

these should be available in different bundles and also in templates 这些应该在不同的包中以及模板中提供

They are. 他们是。 As long as you can access the container, you can access the parameters. 只要您可以访问容器,就可以访问参数。 From the docs you linked to: $container->getParameter('acme_hello.email.from'); 从您链接到的文档: $container->getParameter('acme_hello.email.from');

I think there's an error in your parameters.ini example. 我认为你的parameters.ini示例中存在错误。 'flickr' and 'app' shouldn't be wrapped in brackets. 'flickr'和'app'不应该用括号括起来。 Also, the first element of parameters.ini should be [parameters] . 此外,parameters.ini的第一个元素应该是[parameters]

Personally, I like using an app.yml file because I'm used to using it in Symfony 1.x projects (and because I don't see the reason for using an .ini file.). 就个人而言,我喜欢使用app.yml文件,因为我习惯在Symfony 1.x项目中使用它(因为我没有看到使用.ini文件的原因。)。 You can create app/config/app.yml and import it into your app/config/config.yml file like this: 您可以创建app/config/app.yml并将其导入app/config/config.yml文件,如下所示:

    - { resource: app.yml }

Your app.yml would look like this: 你的app.yml看起来像这样:

    callbackUrl:     http://example.com/approve
    requestTokenUrl: http://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/request_token
    consumerKey:     123a1237a29b123a5541232e0279123

    default_layout:  2

And this is how you would access data: $container->getParameter('flickr.callbackUrl'); 这就是你访问数据的方式: $container->getParameter('flickr.callbackUrl');

A third option is to define your parameters directly in app/config/config.yml . 第三种选择是直接在app/config/config.yml定义参数。 The code would be exactly the same as my example for app/config/app.yml . 代码与app/config/app.yml示例完全相同。 I don't recommend doing this though because app/config/config.yml can get pretty filled up with bundle configuration parameters, and I think it's cleaner to keep your own app params in a separate file. 我不建议这样做,因为app/config/config.yml可以充满捆绑配置参数,我认为将你自己的app params保存在一个单独的文件中会更清晰。 But of course, it's all up to you. 但当然,这完全取决于你。

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