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[英]from a batch file, how can I wait for a process to exit, after calling taskkill.exe?

I want to write a batch file that updates a DLL that is in use by a running process, a regular application. 我想编写一个批处理文件,用于更新正在运行的进程(常规应用程序)正在使用的DLL。

To do this, the plan is to stop the process, copy the DLL to the required location, then restart the process. 为此,计划是停止进程,将DLL复制到所需位置,然后重新启动该进程。

I know I can try to kill a process with taskkill . 我知道我可以尝试使用taskkill杀死进程。 How can I make sure the process has fallen over and died, after I shoot it? 拍完后,我怎样才能确保这个过程已经崩溃并死亡?

Here's what I used. 这是我用的。 It's a subroutine in a batch file. 这是批处理文件中的子例程。

set tasklist=%windir%\System32\tasklist.exe
set taskkill=%windir%\System32\taskkill.exe

    set wasStopped=0
    set procFound=0
    set notFound_result=ERROR:
    set procName=%1
    for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`%taskkill% /IM %procName%`) do (
      if NOT %%A==%notFound_result% (set procFound=1)
    if %procFound%==0 (
      echo The process was not running.
      goto :EOF
    set wasStopped=1
    set ignore_result=INFO:
    "%windir%\system32\timeout.exe" 3 /NOBREAK
    for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`%tasklist% /nh /fi "imagename eq %procName%"`) do (
      if not %%A==%ignore_result% (goto :CHECKDEAD)
    goto :EOF

To use it from within a batch file, do like this: 要在批处理文件中使用它,请执行以下操作:

  call :STOPPROC notepad.exe

Full example: 完整示例:

set tasklist=%windir%\System32\tasklist.exe
set taskkill=%windir%\System32\taskkill.exe

    set wasStopped=0
    set procFound=0
    set notFound_result=ERROR:
    set procName=%1
    for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`%taskkill% /IM %procName%`) do (
      if NOT %%A==%notFound_result% (set procFound=1)
    if %procFound%==0 (
      echo The process was not running.
      goto :EOF
    set wasStopped=1
    set ignore_result=INFO:
    "%windir%\system32\timeout.exe" 3 /NOBREAK
    for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`%tasklist% /nh /fi "imagename eq %procName%"`) do (
      if not %%A==%ignore_result% (goto :CHECKDEAD)
    goto :EOF


call :STOPPROC notepad.exe
call :STOPPROC Skype.exe

You'll notice lines that have all dashes - that's not a legal syntax for a batch file of course. 您会注意到所有破折号的行 - 当然,这不是批处理文件的合法语法。 But, those lines are never reached, because of the use of GOTO statements, so the syntax is never evaluated. 但是,由于使用了GOTO语句,因此永远不会达到这些行,因此永远不会评估语法。 Therefore those lines aren't a problem. 因此,这些行不是问题。

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