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[英]Security to Wcf Service hosted on windows service with NetNamedPipeBinding


NetNamedPipe binding doesn't support message level security out of the box. NetNamedPipe绑定不支持开箱即用的消息级别安全性。 That would require custom binding. 那将需要自定义绑定。 NetNamedPipe binding works only when both service and client are running on the same machine so there is assumption that if user has permissions to log in and the service is running she have also permission to call it. NetNamedPipe绑定仅在服务和客户端都在同一台计算机上运行时才起作用,因此可以假设,如果用户具有登录权限并且该服务正在运行,那么她也有权调用它。 If you need to restrict users who can call the service you can always use custom authorization manager or role based security . 如果需要限制可以调用该服务的用户,则可以始终使用自定义授权管理器基于角色的安全性

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